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There are new sections in the Timeline:
Victoria's cultural diversity
Before the arrival of white British settlers in the mid 1830s, the area now known as Victoria was inhabited by 36 Aboriginal community and language groups whose members were connected by marriage and kinship. More...
The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 that established the White Australia Policy was one of the first laws passed by the new federal parliament. More...
Embarking on the post-war reconstruction of Australia, the Government abandoned its earlier fixation with “Britishness” and actively pursued a mass migration program from Europe, championed by the first federal Minister for Immigration, Arthur Calwell. More...
The Whitlam federal Labor Government, elected in 1972, changed Australia’s immigration and citizenship policies, finally ending discrimination on the basis of race, colour or nationality. More...
By the late 1980s the Labor government had established a strong ethnic affairs policy, with close links to the labour movement. It had created support for various organisations such as migrant workers’ centres in some of the major trade unions. More...
By the time the Labor Party returned to government in Victoria in 1999 under Premier Steve Bracks, the national government under Prime Minister Howard was moving quickly away from previous policies on multiculturalism. More...
By 2006 the top ten source countries for migrants to Victoria were: India, New Zealand, China (not including SARs and Taiwan), U.K., Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Sudan and Afghanistan. More...
Australia is a secular society that separates church and state. It also protects the rights of people to religious freedom. More...
Cultural diversity is often experienced and expressed through the arts, Whether it be in the performances at inner city venues such as La Mama or Boite, or in the Victorian Art Centre's Mix it Up program, the arts build community, open up understanding, and challenge prejudices. More...
Queensland's cultural diversity
The first recorded contact by Europeans with Queensland was by the Dutch ship Duyfken in 1606 near Weipa on the Gulf of Carpenteria.
The growing resentment among Europeans against non-Europeans, focusing in Queensland on the Chinese, the South Sea Islanders and to a lesser extent the Japanese, had already found expression in the 1885 Election Act.
Federation brought many cultural changes to the new state, not the least of which was an inflow of immigrants from southern Europe who replaced the Islander and Asian workers in the sugar industry.
The 1970s were a time of dramatic change in Australian society. White Australia had been abandoned by governments of both conservative and Labor perspective, and policy changes following Australia’s experience with the Colombo plan meant that permanent Asian immigration would begin.
Since the early 1990s Queensland governments have become increasingly involved in advancing the benefits of cultural diversity to Queensland.
The settlement of northern Australia was part of an expanding drive by white Europeans to invade and take control of lands that had belonged to Indigenous peoples for millenia.
In all likelihood, the Chinese knew about Australia well before Europeans arrived.
Looking back, we can see that Queensland discovered multiculturalism step by step.
Societies and the communities that make them up are held together through shared beliefs and rituals.
Asia encompasses a very large geographical area, and many dozens of nations and cultures.
Contemporary Issues
Since 9/11, has it been "open season on Muslims" in Australia?
What is Islamophobia and is it racism?
What are the facts and the myths about asylum seekers?
What do children in detention draw?
Look at the Timeline of September 11, 2001.
Who is a terrorist?
Individual timeline screens, each with audio commentary, images, video and supporting documents.
Indigenous Australia before and after European invasion and settlement ...
Forming a "racially pure democracy" through post-war immigration ...
The end of white Australia ... the mobilisation of ethnic communities ... ethnic rights ...
Conservative multiculturalism ... SBS ... the Blainey debate on immigration ...
An office for multicultural affairs ... access and equity ... multicultural arts ...
Globalisation ... the landmark Mabo decision ... race hatred legislation ...
Steps toward reconciliation ... Islam ... the Australian Multicultural Foundation ...
View a detailed visual presentation of the history of Australia's Chinese community (1788-1988) through the Australian Museum's 50-metre long "Harvest of Endurance".
Perspectives on multiculturalism from an Optus TV advertisement.
Voices and pictures from the period of post-war immigration.
Paul Keating speaking in Redfern in 1992 on Indigenous issues.
"Flamenco Dreaming" incorporating Aboriginal music and dance.
John Howard in 1988 challenging the concept of multiculturalism.
... Cartoons, Newspaper Headlines, Photographs, Posters, Promotional Images.
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... or by subject - Contemporary History, Cultural Studies, Demographics, Early History, Economics, Education, Human Rights, Immigration, Indigenous Issues, Languages, Legal Issues, Media Studies, Politics, Religion, Sociology, The Arts.
New research is added by Dr Andrew Jakubowicz of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).