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...Queensland’s Chinese communities ... |

Image 1
The Chinese invasion, northern Queensland. Illustrated Australian news, July 2, 1877. Wood engraving. (National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an8870597)
Image 2
The final scene - young Chinese Australian surfers - from Harvest of Endurance: A History of the Chinese in Australia, 1788-1988. Artist: Mo Xiangyi, Australia-China Friendship Society and National Museum of Australia |
Web References: |
1421 Website - Website for the book and TV show "1421" which tells about Chinese Admiral Zheng He and his voyages towards Australia as part of his global adventures. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Chinese settlers and sojourners - Historian Ray Evans describes the arrivals of Chinese in Queensland in the nineteenth century and the restrictions and racism they faced. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
Anti Chinese riot in Brisbane, 1888 - Ray Evans describes a day of violence against the Chinese, part of a wave of racist sentiment across Australia, during a year of "racial panic." - More ... |
Cartoons: |
Fears of Chinese migration, 1895 - This cartoon, labelled “The Yellow Trash Question”, reflects the prejudices of Australians who thought the country would be flooded by Chinese immigration. - More ... |
Web References: |
Restricted Business - Link to the Queensland Museum website and the story of George Fong On, who settled in Australia in 1867 and ran a successful business, yet faced severe restrictions under racist legislation most of his life. - More ... |
Image Collections: |
Chinese settlers over the years - Archival photographs of Chinese in Queensland from the 1860s onwards, in family life and in various occupations. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
"Multicultural Trailblazer" - Eddie Liu - A biography of Eddie Liu and an account of his many activities for the Chinese and wider communities from his arrival in Queensland in the 1940s. - More ... |
 Monologues: |
Being Chinese - Photographer and performer William Yang talks about his early years in North Queensland, part of his exploration of what it is to be Chinese Australian. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
Volunteering and advocating - Community activist Jeannie Mok tells of her volunteer work and campaigns on behalf of migrant communities since her arrival in Queensland from Malaysia in 1981. - More ... |
Articles: |
Taiwanese community - David Ip explores the settlement difficulties of immigrants from Taiwan over the 1990s and makes comparisons with those arriving from Mainland China and Hong Kong. - More ... |
Web References: |
Brisbane Stories: The Chinese Connection - A link to a section of a community website sponsored by the Brisbane City Council, which looks at the city's Chinese communities and their contributions. - More ... |
...Queensland’s Chinese communities ... |