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...The new Labor Agenda... |

Prime Minister Bob Hawke and his wife Hazel, at a banquet in his honour, with ethnic leaders Bill Jegorow and Walter Lippmann, mid 1980s. |
 Audio Interviews: |
The New Labor Agenda - Dr Andrew Theophanous speaks on cultural diversity, and the Whitlam, Fraser and early Hawke periods where this was essentially the focus. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The New Labor Agenda - Professor Stephen Castles gives his view on Hawke and multiculturalism. - More ... |
Articles: |
The state and the welfare of immigrants in Australia - This 1989 paper by sociologist Andrew Jakubowicz outlines the development of government policies in response to the flow of immigrants into Australia, with a focus on the welfare system, and within the context of the basic economic contradictions of Australian society. - More ... |
...The new Labor Agenda... |