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...Jupp Multicultural Program Review, 1986 |

Minister Chris Hurford meeting with members of the Jupp Committee, from left: Nina Skoroszewski, the Minister, James Jupp, Connie Benn, Steve Karas, 1986. |
 Audio Interviews: |
Jupp Multicultural Program Review (Excerpt) - Dr James Jupp discusses the Immigration Department and Ethnic Specific services. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
Jupp Multicultural Program Review (Excerpt) - Professor Jayasuriya gives his view on the Jupp Report. - More ... |
Interviews: |
Multicultural Programs and Services - Dr James Jupp, Chair, Committee to Review Migrant and Multicultural Programs and Services, speaks on the topic of immigration and Ethnic Specific Services. - More ... |
Reports: |
Don’t settle for less - A summary of the 1986 Report of the Review of Migrant and Multicultural Programs and Services chaired by Dr. James Jupp, which through its recommendations on services and on the establishment of a new body to monitor progress in the participation of immigrants in Australian life, puts a strong focus on access and equity issues. - More ... |
...Jupp Multicultural Program Review, 1986 |