A MULTICULTURAL history of Australia...
Hot words - Triggers for debate...
Lesson ideas and resources for teachers...
Student activities for home and school...
A MULTICULTURAL research library...
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Key issues and landmark events in our diverse society...

A search for real meaning in emotional language...

Classroom materials designed by experienced educators...

Quizzes, research and discussion topics...

3000 pages of reports, articles, speeches, interviews...

Classroom resources: videos, audios, slides, interactives...

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...Hear it in your own language... |

Ethnic Radio Studio. Photo: Film Australia |
 Audio Interviews: |
Hear it in your own language - SBS Radio - Stepan Kerkyasharian, Head of SBS Radio 1980-89, speaks on the Government three month experimental radio. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
Hear it in your own language - SBS Radio - Professor Aroney explains what Ethnic Radio is. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
SBS Radio Schedule - SBS radio grows with multicultural Australia and in 2003 broadcasts in 68 languages which is more than any other broadcaster in the world. See an example of the radio programs for Australian, homeland and international news together with current affairs, interviews, community information, sport and music. - More ... |
...Hear it in your own language... |