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...Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs... |

Cartoon: Bruce Petty |
Cartoons: |
Bruce Petty, Cartoon - A Bruce Petty, Cartoon, on Multiculturalism and Immigration. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs - Vasiliki Nihas talking about the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs - Al Grassby giving a brief dicussion on the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
Third National Immigration and Population Conference (Excerpt) - Petro Georgiou speaks on multiculturalism at the Third National Immigration and Population Conference, 1995. - More ... |
Speeches: |
First Biennial Meeting of AIMA - Opening Address - In this address to the members of AIMA in 1981, the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs Ian MacPhee speaks of the role of the Institute in helping achieve a balance between acceptance of the diversity of migrants on the one hand, and on the other - their critical role in being part of the creation of a distinctive Australian culture. - More ... |
Reports: |
Evaluation of Post Arrival Programs and Services – Summary - An evaluation in 1982 by the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs of the implementation of the Galbally Report three years after it came out finds much to praise, but also points out failings and recommends ways of overcoming them. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
AIMA Publications List and Projects Undertaken - A 1983 listing indicating the kind of work the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs undertook, on its own or in cooperation with other organisations involved in migrant services. - More ... |
Reports: |
First Annual Report 1979-1980 – AIMA - The Introduction to the First Annual Report, 1979-1980, of the Institute of Multicultural Affairs outlines the legislation establishing the Institute and summarises the activities of the first year in setting up the body according to that legislation. - More ... |
Reports: |
Report of the Committee of Review of AIMA - Excerpts from this 1983 report, including its terms of reference, its membership, and a summary of its main recommendations, among them that AIMA be replaced by a new body, and suggestions for the new body’s structure and functions. - More ... |
Reports: |
Future Directions for Multiculturalism - Excerpts from the Final Report of the Council of the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs in 1986, which express concern over a change of direction in government strategy and offer recommendations for future policies on multiculturalism. - More ... |
Articles: |
Multiculturalism: Australia’s Unique Achievement - In this inaugural speech to the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs in 1981, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser reviews the history and benefits of immigration, and says building on these achievements can help realise the full extent of multiculturalism’s advantages. - More ... |
...Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs... |