Ganter, Regina
Turn the map upside down |
Regina Ganter revisions Australia's history from a northern point of view. |
Format: pdf | Size: 193 KB | Length: 9 pages | Date Added: 21 December 2005 | |
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Georgopoulos, Debbie
Migrant Women’s Shuffle: 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back |
The national coordinator of the Association of Non-English Speaking Background Women tells the 1996 Women in Migration Conference that while there have been significant gains for NESB women in the past decade, the focus on economic efficiency should not allow other important goals for social prosperity to be forgotten. |
Format: pdf | Size: 337K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Gibbings, Beth; Cummings, Karen; Jakubowicz, Andrew and Meekosha, Helen
Equal Disappointment Opportunity?: Executive Summary |
Executive summary of this 1987 report, which examines issues of access for migrants to services of the federal Department of Community Services and finds some of the problems with these programs lie with the department itself. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Gibbings, Beth; Cummings, Karen; Jakubowicz, Andrew and Meekosha, Helen
Equal Disappointment Opportunity?: Summary of Recommendations |
Recommendations of this 1987 report, proposing improvements to programs of the federal Department of Community Services for immigrants and their children, and to the way they are run. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Gibson, Katherine; Alcorso, Caroline; Castles, Stephen; Collins, Jock and Tait, David
Shop Full of Dreams: Ethnic Small Business in Australia |
The first chapter of a 1995 book which documents the experiences of immigrants involved in small business - both the dreams and the nightmares - and places them in the wider national and international social and economic contexts. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Gobbo, Sir James
Common morality of the Abrahamic religions |
Sir James Gobbo reflects on the common morality of the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam |
Format: pdf | Size: 236 KB | Length: 19 Pages | Date Added: 09 March 2009 | |
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Godley, Stephen and Hughes, Philip J.
Eastern Orthodox in Australia |
This excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research tells the history of Eastern Orthodoxy in Australia and of the various migrant groups which have set up branches of the church here. |
Format: pdf | Size: 221K | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Good Neighbour Council of South Australia
Twenty-five years of service to migrants |
An excerpt from the program for an evening of dance and music to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Neighbour Movement of South Australia in 1974, outlining its work and calling for volunteers. |
Format: pdf | Size: 149K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Goodman, James
The WEF: Capital’s First International ? |
Outlines the role played by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It was used by the 'S 11' protest against the forum as a backgrounder. |
Format: doc | Size: 24 Kb | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 20 April 2004 | |
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Gopalkrishnan, Narayan
Cultural Diversity and Civic Participation |
The report of a project which explored barriers faced by people of culturally diverse backgrounds in dealing with government, as well as successes, and identified key areas to be addressed for improvement. |
Format: pdf | Size: 329 KB | Length: 27 pages | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Gopalkrishnan, Narayan
Globalisation from above and below |
Narayan Gopalkrishnan examines the impacts of economic globalisation, especially the increasing numbers of global poor it has produced, and puts forward some possible responses to this at the community level. |
Format: pdf | Size: 120 KB | Length: 9 pages | Date Added: 14 March 2006 | |
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Government of South Australia
Declaration of Principles for a Multicultural South Australia |
The principles of South Australia’s ethnic affairs policy adopted in 1995, and a statement of its commitment to ensuring all government activities are inclusive of and value cultural diversity. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Government of Tasmania
Principles for Tasmania's Culturally Diverse Society |
The principles governing Tasmania’s ethnic affairs policy, published in 1994, which aim to guide the development of policies and services in the public sector, through the State’s Office of Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Grassby, Al
A multi-cultural society for the future |
In this key 1973 paper, the Immigration Minister Al Grassby argues that ethnic pluralism is the most desirable philosophy for Australia as it moves towards the year 2000, and the most realistic given the experiences of immigration in the past. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Grassby, Al
Australia’s Decade of Decision |
A report to Parliament in 1973 by the Minister for Immigration, Al Grassby, in which he reviews the history of immigration to Australia; lists policy changes on immigration, citizenship and migrant services introduced by his government; outlines plans for improvement of these services; and looks to future challenges as Australia seeks to establish its identity. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Grassby, Al
The Minister for Immigration speaks on a multi-cultural society |
A Multicultural Society for the Future, Prepared for a symposium in Melbourne
11 August 1973 from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 17 July 2002 | |
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Greiner, Nick
Australia’s Multicultural Democracy |
The Inaugural Lecture on Multicultural Australia given in Jakarta in 1995 by the former NSW Premier, in which he discusses the landmarks in the development of multiculturalism and lists the crucial factors for its continuing success. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Griffin, Gerard and Bertone, Santina
Immigrant Workers and Trade Unions |
The executive summary of this 1992 report, which finds that in terms of members’ relationships with trade unions, there is little difference between NESB and other workers, but that unions could improve the way they deal with issues affecting their migrant members. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Griffith University
Griffith University Multi-Faith Centre |
Link to information on Griffith University's Multi-Faith Centre, set up in 2002 as a venue for research by people of diverse religious traditions and for inter-faith dialogue and education. |
Format: pdf | Size: 43 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 09 February 2006 | |
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Gunew, Sneja
Performing Australian Ethnicity: 'Helen Demidenko' |
The positioning of minority cultures is symptomatic of the paradox at the heart of national cultures. Do they 'belong' in terms of assimilation and appropriation or do they constitute the exclusionary framework of 'foreign bodies' which both encloses and defines a national culture? |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Gyngell, Bruce
Multicultural Television – The most exciting idea in broadcasting... |
In this talk to the National Press Club in Canberra in August 1980 the first head of SBS Television, Bruce Gyngell, tells of the significance of SBS TV, the role it will play after its launch, in October 1980. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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