Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) |
In 1995 the ABC broadcast a ten-part drama series loosely based on the Bonegilla experience. It presented a rather romantic image of the life lived by the new arrivals - and did not touch on the political issues associated with the camps and the administration. |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 512x371 | Date Added: 23 July 2002 | |
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) |
In 1995 the ABC broadcast a ten-part drama series loosely based on the Bonegilla experience. It presented a rather romantic image of the life lived by the new arrivals - and did not touch on the political issues associated with the camps and the administration. |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 494x371 | Date Added: 23 July 2002 | |
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Fijian-Indian gardens: replacing lost farmlands - Narendra Singh (1)
Armstrong, Helen and Museum of Brisbane |
The story of Indian-Fijian migration to Queensland and of the family of Narendra Singh, and photographs showing some of the extensive range of vegetables they grow. |
Format: jpg | Size: 42 KB | Length: 400x400 | Date Added: 19 May 2006 | |
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Fijian-Indian gardens: replacing lost farmlands - Narendra Singh (2)
Armstrong, Helen and Museum of Brisbane |
The story of Indian-Fijian migration to Queensland and of the family of Narendra Singh, and photographs showing some of the extensive range of vegetables they grow. Text: Helen Armstrong, Museum of Brisbane |
Format: jpg | Size: 61 KB | Length: 400x400 | Date Added: 19 May 2006 | |
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Italian gardeners: artisans and farmers - Angela Catanzaro (1)
Armstrong, Helen and Museum of Brisbane |
A brief description of Italian migration since the 1880s and of Angela Catanzaro's productive market garden, among the few remaining in the Brisbane area, with photographs of her at work in her yard. Text: Helen Armstrong, Museum of Brisbane |
Format: jpg | Size: 38 KB | Length: 400x400 | Date Added: 19 May 2006 | |
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Italian gardeners: artisans and farmers - Angela Catanzaro (2)
Armstrong, Helen and Museum of Brisbane |
A brief description of Italian migration since the 1880s and of Angela Catanzaro's productive market garden, among the few remaining in the Brisbane area, with photographs of her at work in her yard. Text: Helen Armstrong, Museum of Brisbane |
Format: jpg | Size: 76 KB | Length: 400x400 | Date Added: 19 May 2006 | |
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Multicultural Arts - tracing its images of development (slide 10)
Kapetopoulos, Fotis |
Diaphanous - An exhibtion of contemporary art looking at cultural diversity 1999 |
Format: jpg | Size: 33 KB | Length: 421 x 400 | Date Added: 12 January 2011 | |
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Multicultural Arts - tracing its images of development (slide 11)
Kapetopoulos, Fotis |
Diaphanous - An exhibition of contemporary art looking at cultural diversity 1999 |
Format: jpg | Size: 20 KB | Length: 272 x 400 | Date Added: 12 January 2011 | |
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Multicultural Arts - tracing its images of development (slide 13)
Kapetopoulos, Fotis |
Flamenco Rocks 2002 |
Format: jpg | Size: 29 KB | Length: 190 x 400 | Date Added: 12 January 2011 | |
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Somali gardens: starting again - Asli Arab (1)
Armstrong, Helen and Museum of Brisbane |
The relearning of gardening skills after the disruption of conflict and refugee life, is one of the elements in the new life in Brisbane of people like Asli Arab, as she works to establish a small garden at her house. Text: Helen Armstrong, Museum of Brisbane |
Format: jpg | Size: 37 KB | Length: 400x400 | Date Added: 19 May 2006 | |
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Somali gardens: starting again - Asli Arab (2)
Armstrong, Helen and Museum of Brisbane |
The relearning of gardening skills after the disruption of conflict and refugee life, is one of the elements in the new life in Brisbane of people like Asli Arab, as she works to establish a small garden at her house. Text: Helen Armstrong, Museum of Brisbane |
Format: jpg | Size: 59 KB | Length: 400x400 | Date Added: 19 May 2006 | |
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The Search is on
Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority |
In October 1996, the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority set up a registry in preparation for a celebration of 50 years of the Snowy Scheme in 1999. |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 465x459 | Date Added: 23 July 2002 | |
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Wollongong Jobs for Women Campaign
Wollongong Jobs for Women Campaign |
Badge produced by the Wollongong Jobs for Women Campaign, 1980's, calling on BHP to provide employment opportunities for women. |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 289x291 | Date Added: 21 August 2002 | |
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