Salvation Army
Federation Procession in Sydney on January 1, 1901 |
Footage of the Federation procession in Sydney, 1901, shot by the Salvation Army's film production and distribution unit, the Limelight Department. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 18 secs | Date Added: 03 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Citizenship - Migration-Enriching Australia |
Tibetan-Australian singer, Yungchen Lhamo, at a concert celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Planned Immigration. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 11 secs | Date Added: 14 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Citizenship - National Agenda Launch Special |
National Agenda launch Special Excerpt - Children from diverse backgrounds on being Australian. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 24 secs | Date Added: 14 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Festival of the Arts - Helen "Demidenko" |
News report on Helen "Demidenko" winning the Miles Franklin award from her book The Hand that Signed the Paper. |
Format: mov | Size: 2.6 MB | Length: 46 secs | Date Added: 15 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Festival of the Arts - Visual Arts |
Segment of current affairs report on the work of Vietnamese-Australian artist Le Van Tai. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 29 secs | Date Added: 14 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review - Tonight with Paul Murphy (Excerpt) |
This documentary excerpt looks at the components of the Immigration Policy. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 57 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review - Tonight with Paul Murphy, Aug 8 (Excerpt) |
Prime Minister Bob Hawke speaks on the Policy of Multiculturalism and recognises its diversity. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 32 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Howard challenges Multiculturalism, World News Reports (Excerpt) |
John Howard speaks at a joint Liberal and National Party, where the Draft Position Policy received its stamp of approval. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 36 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Migration-Enriching Australia |
A member of the audience at a concert to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Planned Immigration. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 41 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Multiculturalism in Practice, SBS Television |
SBS Television station brakes over the years. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 72 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Post-war migration |
Voices and pictures from the late 1940s and the 1950s, beginning with the voice of Arthur Calwell, Immigration Minister from 1945 to 1949. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 39 secs | Date Added: 03 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Social cohesion |
The Eid al-Fitr festival, ending the Muslim month of fasting, Ramadan. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Social cohesion |
Sydney's Buddhist Lao community prepares to greet the New Year on the last day of the old. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Social cohesion |
Celebrations in Australia of the win by Brazil of the 1994 Soccer World Cup. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Social cohesion - Keeping it together |
A festival of Latin American music and dance. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Social cohesion - Tamil community |
The Hindu Tamil community celebrates the New Year in Sydney. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Ten Years of SBS Television (Excerpt) |
Bruce Gyngell, Senior Executive of SBS Television and Prime Minister Malcom Fraser launch the station October 1980. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 18 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
The 1986 Budget row |
Protesters against the 1986 budget greet the Prime Minister Bob Hawke, while he defends it. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 24 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
The Blainey Debate (Excerpt) |
Professor Geoffrey Blainey, historian speaks of the Blainey debate. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 46 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
The Economy - Vox Populi |
Outwork in the clothing industry. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 44 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television; Film Australia and Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority
The Power of Water |
Building the Snowy Scheme |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 22 secs | Date Added: 03 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
The quiet revolution (Excerpt) |
The voice of Giovanni Sgro, former Bonegilla resident and striker, later Victorian MLC, and Bonegilla as it looked in the 1980s. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 36 secs | Date Added: 03 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Third National Immigration and Population Conference (Excerpt) |
Petro Georgiou speaks on multiculturalism at the Third National Immigration and Population Conference, 1995. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 28 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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SBS Television
Viewpoints on Mullticultural Australia - The Hanson debate |
There have been demonstrations against racism all over Australia in response to Pauline Hanson's views. These demonstrations are from Sydney and Ipswich, Queensland on November 23, 1996 and from Melbourne on December 8, 1996. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 62 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
World News - Just you try! |
Demonstrations in Sydney during the Yugoslav war between Serbia and Croatia.
Serbian 7 February 1993,
Croatian 5 October 1991. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 28 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
World News - Just you try! |
Greek and Macedonian communities in conflict over the issue of the recognition of Macedonia; the conflict focussed on the use of the name "Macedonia" and the symbols on the flag of the republic.
Greek community, Adelaide, 5 March 1994;
Macedonian community, Melbourne, March 1994. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 24 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
World News - Just you try! |
Tamils march in Sydney over the struggle between Tamils and the Sri Lankan government over the autonomy of the Tamils. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 22 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
World News - Just you try! |
Muslims protest the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government, Jews protest the treatment of Jews in Syria.
Muslims, Canberra 13 March 1994;
Jews, Sydney 15 March 1992. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 35 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
World News - Women at work |
The Jobs for Women campaign in Port Kembla. NSW, 1984 and 1994.
Speakers: Maria Goluza and Robynne Murphy, |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 49 secs | Date Added: 12 July 2002 | |
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SBS Television
"Invasion Day" (Excerpt) |
Protests in Sydney, on 26 January, 1988, marking "Invasion Day" the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Europeans in Australia |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 28 secs | Date Added: 07 June 2002 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe description on Jewish community |
Lionel Sharpe describes the Jewish community in Melbourne as the truth of the Holocaust became more evident in the post-war period |
Format: mov | Size: 9 MB|360x286 | Length: 03min31sec | Date Added: 16 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe looks at the first Jewish community in Melbourne |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe looks at the first Jewish community in Melbourne (http://www.bh.org.il/Communities/Archive/Melbourne.asp) |
Format: mov | Size: 3.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 01min23sec | Date Added: 05 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on Anti-Semitism in 1930s |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe describes Anti-Semitism in the 1930s |
Format: mov | Size: 8.7 MB|360x286 | Length: 03min23sec | Date Added: 06 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on Anti-Semitism in 1930s |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe describes Anti-Semitism in the 1930s |
Format: mov | Size: 8.7 MB|360x286 | Length: 03min23sec | Date Added: 06 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on attitudes towards the establishment of a Jewish State |
Lionel Sharpe draws out the complex debates around the establishment of a Jewish state in the period before Israel came into being |
Format: mov | Size: 4.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 01min47sec | Date Added: 16 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on his family background |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe discusses the two streams that make up his own family background |
Format: mov | Size: 10.4 MB|360x286 | Length: 04min02sec | Date Added: 05 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on Jewish culture |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe describes Jewish culture in Melbourne in the 1930s |
Format: mov | Size: 4.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 01min48sec | Date Added: 06 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on Jewish schooling |
Lionel Sharpe discusses the experience of Jewish schooling |
Format: mov | Size: 2.8MB|360x286 | Length: 01min09sec | Date Added: 15 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on the complexities of Jewish immigration |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe details the complexities of Jewish immigration through the White Australia period |
Format: mov | Size: 11.4 MB|360x286 | Length: 04min27sec | Date Added: 06 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on Victoria's Jewish communities at Federation in 1900 |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe summarises Victoria's Jewish communities at Federation in 1900 |
Format: mov | Size: 3.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 01min23sec | Date Added: 05 February 2009 | |
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Sharpe, Lionel
Lionel Sharpe on Victoria's Jewish communities at Federation in 1900 |
Genealogist Lionel Sharpe summarises Victoria's Jewish communities at Federation in 1900 |
Format: mov | Size: 3.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 01min23sec | Date Added: 05 February 2009 | |
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Shergold, Peter
Office for Multicultural Affairs |
Dr Peter Shergold, Foundation Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, looks at the role of the Office, and ethnic support. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 34 secs | Date Added: 06 June 2002 | |
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Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority; Film Australia and SBS Television
The Power of Water |
Building the Snowy Scheme |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 22 secs | Date Added: 03 June 2002 | |
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Spano, Joe
Festival of the Arts - People Screen |
Joe Spano, on his experiences with acting. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 34 secs | Date Added: 15 July 2002 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow describes the importance of the Ford Motor Company strike for multicultural ideas |
Format: mov | Size: 3.3 MB|360x286 | Length: 06min13sec | Date Added: 15 April 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow details the work of the Matteoti Club and the anarchist Italian anti-Fascists |
Historian Jeff Sparrow details the work of the Matteoti Club and the anarchist Italian anti-Fascists in pre-War Melbourne of the 1930s |
Format: mov | Size: 6.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 07min27sec | Date Added: 27 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on early Irish Catholic identification |
Historian Jeff Sparrow describes the early Irish Catholic identification with the "Left" and its gradual movement to a more conservative political position. |
Format: mov | Size: 4.9 MB|360x286 | Length: 06min51sec | Date Added: 26 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on European migration and political radicalism in Australia |
Historian Jeff Sparrow discusses the role of European immigrants in Left politics in Melbourne. |
Format: mov | Size: 5.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 07min05sec | Date Added: 01 April 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on Irish Catholics during World War I in Australia |
Historian Jeff Sparrow explores the pressures and demonisation of Irish Catholics during World War I in Australia, and muses on the comparisons with Muslims in the 21st century. |
Format: mov | Size: 8.4 MB|360x286 | Length: 08min11sec | Date Added: 26 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on Noel Counihan |
Jeff Sparrow tells the story of 1930s Brunswick folk-hero, free speech champion artist Noel Counihan. |
Format: mov | Size: 3.2 MB|360x286 | Length: 06min12sec | Date Added: 06 April 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on Racism towards Catholics WW1 |
Format: mov | Size: 13.9 MB|360x286 | Length: 10min18sec | Date Added: 22 April 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on the ALPs chequered history in relation to immigration |
Historian Jeff Sparrow reflects on the ALP's chequered history in relation to immigration |
Format: mov | Size: 1.6 MB|360x286 | Length: 05min36sec | Date Added: 26 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on the early conflicts between Chinese workers and unions |
Historian Jeff Sparrow analyses the early conflicts between Chinese workers and unions and the Australian labour movement |
Format: mov | Size: 10.4 MB|360x286 | Length: 08min57sec | Date Added: 30 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow on the rise of Catholic anti-communism |
Historian Jeff Sparrow describes the rise of Catholic anti-communism and its ties with elements of the Italian community |
Format: mov | Size: 6.3 MB|360x286 | Length: 07min24sec | Date Added: 27 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Jeff Sparrow questions simple images of the labour movement as racist |
Historian Jeff Sparrow questions simple images of the labour movement as racist. |
Format: mov | Size: 3.1 MB|360x286 | Length: 06min10sec | Date Added: 27 March 2009 | |
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Sparrow, Jeff and Moustafine, Mara
Sectarianism in Melbourne |
Historian Jeff Sparrow examines prejudice against the Irish and Catholics |
Format: mov | Size: 3.8 MB|360x286 | Length: 06min26sec | Date Added: 22 April 2009 | |
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