Angels Voices rehearsal
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Angels Voices is a Shepparton based group of young singers, all refugees, whose African-beat church music has been transformed into an infectious public performance. Here they rehearse in November 2009, in the Uniting church hall. |
Format: mov | Size: 5.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 01:37 | Date Added: 18 January 2011 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Contemporary Performance "Flamenco Dreaming"
Calarco, Jose |
Jose Calarco's "Falmenco Dreaming" in performance in Sydney at the launch of their CD Antipodes. The group performs contemporary flamenco - already a fusion of several cultures - and incorporates into it Aboriginal music and dance, and other traditions, to create a distinctive style of performance. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 1min 5secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Does tradition evolve?
Greek community dance group |
Greek community dance group performs in Darwin, at the Bougainvillea Festival. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 35 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Performance
Cook Islands dance group |
Echoes of the Cook Islands dance group (Cook Islands Community of New South Wales) performs as part of the TA-KA-DM cross-cultural dance project, in Fairfield, Sydney. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 22 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Performance
Korean Resource Centre |
Dance group of the Korean Resource Centre at the opening concert of the Inner West Region Cultural Exchange '95, Legends of the Moon, organised by the Australian Chinese Community Association. Ashfield, Sydney. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 37 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Performance
Lao Lane Xang Dancing Group |
The Lao Lane Xang Dancing Group (Lao Community Advancement Co-op) performs as part of the TA-KA-DM cross-cultural dance project, in Fairfield, Sydney. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 26 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Performance
Making Multicultural Australia |
Somali women who took part in an art project which told their stories as refugees from the North East of Africa, perform at the launch of the Textile Journeys exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 33 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - Performance
Naroo Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Company |
Naroo Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Company, performing at the launch of the CD Antipodes by Jose Calarco's "Flamenco Dreaming" in Sydney. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 26 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Festival of the Arts - The politics of belly dancing: a choreopoem
Abood, Paula |
Segment from the politics of belly dancing: a choreopoem, written by Paula Abood, performed by the Sydney Arab Feminist Alliance at the Performance Space, Sydney, September 1994. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 42 secs | Date Added: 11 July 2002 | |
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Mix It Up - Community Voices
Victorian Arts Centre |
They are more than performers, they are advocates and ambassadors for their communities, with music becoming the form through which dialogue begins. |
Format: mov | Size: 5.2 MB|360x286 | Length: 3 min 12 s | Date Added: 13 January 2011 | |
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Mix It Up - Discovery
Victorian Arts Centre |
Newly arrived musicians discover their opportunities to become performers in Australia through Mix It Up, a joint Victorian Arts Centre and Multicultural Arts Victoria Project |
Format: mov | Size: 7.2 MB|360x286 | Length: 4 min 29 s | Date Added: 13 January 2011 | |
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Mix It Up - Growing
Victorian Arts Centre |
Building on their training and personal capacities, new immigrant musicians build powerful performances drawing a diversity of new audiences to the Arts Centre and other venues |
Format: mov | Size: 5.5 MB|360x286 | Length: 3 min 18 s | Date Added: 13 January 2011 | |
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Mix It Up - Learning and Creating
Victorian Arts Centre |
In workshops and with mentors, new immigrant musicians build their knowledge about performance and their skills in working in Australian contexts |
Format: mov | Size: 5.7 MB|360x286 | Length: 3 min 33 s | Date Added: 13 January 2011 | |
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Performance Theatre - Maija of Chagaland (segment)
Langeberg, Sheela |
Sheela Langeberg, performing a segment of her play Maija of Chagaland. In a combination of dance, song, and story-telling, Sheela Langeberg exposes audiences to aspects of African culture, by illustrating the way of life and the issues and problems of the people of her country of origin - Tanzania. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 55 secs | Date Added: 15 July 2002 | |
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Performance Theatre - Wogs out of Work
Palomares, Simon |
Simon Palomares and Nick Giannopoulos in the Stage show Wogs out of Work. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 40 secs | Date Added: 15 July 2002 | |
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