Babacan, Hurriyet and Obst, Patrica
Death, Dying and Religion |
Sections of a book describing beliefs and practices in several non-Christian religions to help health professionals in their work with diverse patients. |
Format: pdf | Size: 6.36 MB | Length: 12 pages | Date Added: 15 March 2006 | |
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Bailey, Carol
"Food's great, but ..." Evolving attitudes to multicultural Australia, 1985 - 1995 |
This paper by social researcher Carol Bailey compares two reports by Mackay Research conducted ten years apart and finds that there are still many areas of public concern over the policy of multiculturalism.
Format: pdf | Size: 50K | Length: 18 pages | Date Added: 10 March 2002 | |
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Banks, Glenda
Glenda Banks interviews Mabel Wang 1987 |
The Big Dragon brought to Melbourne in 1979 was the catalyst for the city’s Chinese New Year celebrations in the years since. |
Format: pdf | Size: 10.1 MB | Length: 595 x 842 | Date Added: 23 February 2009 | |
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Battiston, Simone
Simone Battiston's analysis of Ignazio Salemi case |
Read Simone Battiston's analysis of the Ignazio Salemi case. A FILE organiser, deported under the Fraser government in 1977 |
Format: pdf | Size: 4 MB | Length: 13 Pages | Date Added: 17 February 2009 | |
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BBC News: America's day of terror |
Timeline of September 11th, 2001. Published on the BBC news website. The website contains links to streaming video of some of the day's events. |
Format: pdf | Size: 251 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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BBC News: Major attacks blamed on al-Qaeda |
Since the attacks in the US on 11 September 2001, the world has seen a wave of bombings which have been blamed on or linked to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.
This article is published on the BBC News website. |
Format: pdf | Size: 120 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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BBC News: Who is a terrorist? |
Report by Allan Little from the BBC news website. |
Format: pdf | Size: 613 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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Making Terror, Breaking Terror |
Extract from BBC series on terrorism and terror groups.
Format: pdf | Size: 144 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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Beattie, Peter
Beattie's had a gutful of Americanisms |
A media statement from the Queensland Premier deploring what he sees as the overuse of American words and expressions, and calling on the media and educators to hold on to Australian language. |
Format: doc | Size: 24 Kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 20 April 2004 | |
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Beattie, Peter
Multicultural Summit |
Queensland Premier Peter Beattie opens his government's first multicultural summit, in Brisbane in 2001. |
Format: pdf | Size: 44 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 01 March 2006 | |
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Beazley, Kim
Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Beazley, Kim |
The Leader of the Opposition expresses his support in Parliament for the October 1996 racial tolerance motion, though he says the ALP would have liked it to go further than the wording finally agreed to. |
Format: pdf | Size: 20K | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 10 March 2002 | |
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Beazley, Kim
Racial Tolerance |
Racial Tolerance: a commonwealth parliamentary debate
from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 16 July 2002 | |
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Benley, Peter and Hughes, Philip J.
Uniting Church of Australia |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research on the Uniting Church, its involvement in social issues and its declining numbers. |
Format: pdf | Size: 205K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Bertelli, Lidio
It's Not the Thought That Counts |
Journalist and community activist Lidio Bertelli in 1979 summarises the literature on migration and ethnic relations written in the decade or so preceding the Galbally Report, with the aim of providing background for the report, and to help in an understanding of the issues covered by it. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bertone, Santina and Griffin, Gerard
Immigrant Workers and Trade Unions |
The executive summary of this 1992 report, which finds that in terms of members’ relationships with trade unions, there is little difference between NESB and other workers, but that unions could improve the way they deal with issues affecting their migrant members. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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BIMPR Bulletin
Hindus and Sikhs in Australia |
A 1996 article in the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research Bulletin, describing a new publication in its religious community profiles series, which outlines the composition and beliefs of the Hindu and Sikh communities. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Birrell, Robert
Dynamics of Multiculturalism in Australia |
This 1995 paper argues that early immigration programs in Australia laid the foundation for an ethnic movement which has since shaped government cultural and immigration policies. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Birrell, Robert
Multiculturalism: A Flawed Solution to Ethnic Diversity |
This 1994 article argues that multiculturalism as a way of helping migrants gain acceptance is no longer needed, and that on the contrary, the policy now has negative outcomes in keeping ethnic groups apart. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Blainey, Geoffrey
Race And Debate |
In this 1994 article, historian Geoffrey Blainey regrets the lack of debate on immigration, criticising those he believes limit such discussion, and questioning their perception of what constitutes racism. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Blonski, Annette
Arts for a Multicultural Australia 1973-1991 |
A detailed history of the way the Australia Council for the Arts has dealt with issues of multiculturalism and ethnic arts from its establishment in 1973, to 1991. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bortolanza, Barbara; Choat, Ada De Munari and O'Brien, Ilma Martinuzzi
Italian Pioneers in the Innisfail District |
Segments from a history of early Italian settlers and their descendants in the Innisfail region, from the late nineteenth century onwards. |
Format: pdf | Size: 514 KB | Length: 27 pages | Date Added: 24 February 2006 | |
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Bouma, Gary D.
Mosques and Muslim Settlement in Australia |
An excerpt from this 1994 book published by the Bureau of Immigration and Population Research, in which the author examines the relationship between Muslim Australians and other Australians and looks into the future of Islam in this country. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bowen, Chris
Closing the Gap from Policy to Practice |
The Director of the Brisbane Ethnic Music and Arts Centre in 1995 deplores the gap between policy on the arts and reality, and calls for more non-English speaking background representation in the large arts organisations as one way of dealing with this situation as it affects artists from culturally diverse backgrounds. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Brandle, Max
Pacific Islanders in Queensland |
This chapter in a state government publication outlines the history of the migration of people from the South Pacific to Queensland and briefly describes the main islands from which they have come. |
Format: pdf | Size: 389 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 20 February 2006 | |
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Brennan, John and Alcorso, Caroline
ESL - A Major Equity Program |
On the eve of the 1986/87 federal Budget, this article examines the crucial role of the English as a Second Language program in New South Wales schools, and the difficulties the State government would face in funding it if the Commonwealth went ahead with cuts. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Brisbane Actionweb for Refugee Collaboration
Brisbane Actionweb for Refugee Collaboration |
Link to the BARC! website which helps groups and organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers to keep in touch and coordinate their activities. |
Format: pdf | Size: 38 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 08 February 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Brisbane Stories: The Chinese Connection |
A link to a section of a community website sponsored by the Brisbane City Council, which looks at the city's Chinese communities and their contributions. |
Format: pdf | Size: 49 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 08 February 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Brisbane: regional and world city |
Link to the City Council's statement of its goals for the future: "Living in Brisbane 2010", including its vision for the city's position as a regional and world city. |
Format: pdf | Size: 47 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 09 February 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Brisbane's multicultural strategy |
A Brisbane City Council document outlining its aims in building a more inclusive city through improving access, equity and participation for residents of all backgrounds. |
Format: pdf | Size: 203 KB | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Brisbane's refugee strategy |
A Brisbane City Council document outlining the city's role in refugee affairs and defining ways it can contribute to refugees being able to participate fully in civic life. |
Format: pdf | Size: 107 KB | Length: 18 pages | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Deck to deck |
Link to a Brisbane City Council community website which tells the stories of migrant families, with "decks" symbolic of their travels to their new homes, of the lifestyles they have taken up in Brisbane, and of the city's cultural links with the world. |
Format: pdf | Size: 42 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 09 February 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Islam in Brisbane |
A 2004 Brisbane City Council publication aimed at helping Muslims feel welcome in the city and providing information on Islam for the wider community. |
Format: pdf | Size: 986 KB | Length: 16 pages | Date Added: 15 March 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Migrant welcome |
A link to Brisbane City's website where information on services to help newcomers can be accessed in several languages. |
Format: pdf | Size: 39 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Myths about refugees |
The link to a document available on the Brisbane City Council website in several languages which explains the origins of negative perceptions of refugees and refutes these myths through factual information. |
Format: pdf | Size: 39 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brisbane City Council
Scattered People |
The link to a Brisbane City Council community website, on which refugees and asylum seekers tell about their escapes from their countries of origin and their struggles to be allowed to stay in Australia. |
Format: pdf | Size: 40 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 08 February 2006 | |
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Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre
Artists link up |
Link to a website set up by BEMAC allowing artists to connect through posting their artwork. |
Format: pdf | Size: 33 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre
Cultural diversity in the arts |
Text from the website for BEMAC - the Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre - and a link to it. This organisation provides services and advocacy for artists and groups. |
Format: pdf | Size: 353 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre
Kosovski Bozuri Folkloric |
Serbian community dance group and an explanation of its aims to retain an appreciation of the Serbian culture among its members. |
Format: jpg | Size: 40 KB | Length: 550x400 | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Brooks, Clive
Understanding Immigrants and the Labour Market |
A booklet by economist Clive Brooks, published by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research in 1996 as part of its “Understanding...” series, looks into the impact of immigration on the labour market and of the experiences of immigrants within it. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bulletin magazine
Chinese Invasion of Australia |
An editorial from the Bulletin magazine of September 1, 1886 demonstrates the ignorance and prejudices of the day towards Chinese migrants. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bulletin magazine
Premier and the Pariah |
Part of an editorial from The Bulletin magazine of May 26, 1888 which backs restricting the Chinese in Australia, but criticises the government of NSW Premier, Sir Henry Parkes, over what it considers blunders in the way it has gone about deciding its policy in the matter. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research
BIMPR Projects and Publications |
The final publications list from the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research (BIMPR) before its closure, covering all projects and publications up until August 1996, including those commissioned but still not completed. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research and Australian Bureau of Statistics
Birthplace of the Australian Population, 1991 and 1996 |
Population figures according to birthplace by region and country, derived from census figures from 1991 and 1996. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research
Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research |
A pamphlet put out by the BIMPR not long before it was closed in 1996, explaining the work of the Bureau. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research
Demography 1975-95 |
Population statistics for 1975 to 1995, including net migration figures, from a BIMPR pamphlet Immigration in Brief 1995. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research
Settler arrivals by region of birth |
Figures for arrivals to Australia between 1984/85 and 1994/95 according to region of birth, from a BIMPR pamphlet Immigration in Brief 1995. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research
Settler arrivals by selected country of birth: Top 10 sources in 1994/5 |
Figures for arrivals to Australia from the top ten source countries from 1984/85 to 1994/5, from a pamphlet put out by the BIMPR Immigration in Brief 1995. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Bureau of Immigration and Population Research
Immigrant Families: A Statistical Profile |
The summary of findings of a 1994 report profiling the family situation of the overseas-born, including aspects like living arrangements and economic characteristics. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Burke, David and Hughes, Philip J.
Presbyterians in Australia |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research on Presbyterianism, which examines the struggle for a new identity by a church that has recently seen big changes and drops in numbers. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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