A MULTICULTURAL history of Australia...
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Key issues and landmark events in our diverse society...

A search for real meaning in emotional language...

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3000 pages of reports, articles, speeches, interviews...

Classroom resources: videos, audios, slides, interactives...

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...A time of social change... |

Prime Minister Gough Whitlam arriving at Parliament House, June 1974. |
 Audio Interviews: |
Labor's Approach to Immigration - Gough Whitlam, Prime Minister, 1972-75, discusses new opportunities for Australians - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
A time for social change - Dr Lois Foster speaks briefly on the push the Whitlam Government gave to Australians. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
It's Time (Excerpt) - 1972 Federal Election campaign advertisement for the Australian Labor Party - More ... |
...A time of social change... |