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The end of White Australia... |

Children from a variety of cultures in Sydney's Surry Hills in the early 1970s. |
 Audio Interviews: |
The end of White Australia - Don Dunstan, South Australian Premier, tells about his struggle with the Labor Party to get rid of White Australia. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The end of White Australia - Cr Henry Tsang, First Asian Australian to be elected to Sydney City Council, speaks on the White Australia Policy. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
Battles Small and Great, The First Twenty Years of the Racial Discrimination Act - Documentary excerpt, Moves towards ending the White Australia Policy. - More ... |
Policies: |
Australian Labor Party – Immigration Policy, 1966 - While praising the contribution of European immigrants to Australia, the ALP’s 1966 immigration policy, quoted in the ALP Year Book (NSW branch) for 1967 states the party’s continuing opposition to a multi-racial society. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Australia’s Immigration Policy - The Minister for Immigration, Hubert Opperman, in a speech in May 1966, explains his government’s amended immigration policy, which in March that year opened the door for selective non-European migration. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
Evolution of a Policy - The Minister for Immigration, Phillip Lynch, in 1971 reviews the changes in the immigration intake since the government allowed for some non-European migrants in 1966, and outlines what he sees as important issues for maintaining social cohesion in view of the changes this has brought. - More ... |
Reports: |
Australia’s Immigration Programme for the Period 1968-1973 - The summary of conclusions and recommendations of a 1968 report on future immigration policy, which reaffirms that large scale immigration should continue and recommends government action to facilitate the achievement of immigration targets. - More ... |
Publicity: |
Press Release, 4 May 1972 - Press release issued by a group of prominent Australians in 1972 in protest against comments by former Immigration Minister Arthur Calwell opposing “coloured migrants,” and in condemnation of the “emotive language” being used in the immigration debate. - More ... |
The end of White Australia... |