A MULTICULTURAL history of Australia...
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Key issues and landmark events in our diverse society...

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3000 pages of reports, articles, speeches, interviews...

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...Queensland’s multicultural turn ... |

“Family”, painting by Towfiq Al-Qady, Iraqi refugee, 2003
(Collection of the artist) |
Web References: |
Sugar, Shops and Pearls in the 'Alien' North - Link to a Museum of Queensland website which tells about the varied groups who arrived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and laid the foundations for some of the diverse communities in the state today. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
Masters of their own Broadcasting Destiny - A history of ethnic community broadcasting in Australia and Queensland. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Queenslands population diversity - Australian Bureau of Statistics population data on Queensland from the mid-1950s to 2003. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Defending multiculturalism - Community activist Jeannie Mok tells about the recurring challenges to multiculturalism over the years and of her involvement in defending the principles it represents. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Milestones in Queensland - Community leader Uri Themal reviews some of the major developments which built multicultural policy in the state into a coordinated approach across government and the community. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
The Multicultural Development Association - The history, aims and work of this Queensland organisation, which assists migrants and refugees in a range of practical aspects of settlement. - More ... |
Reports: |
New and Emerging Communities in Queensland - A Queensland government report that identifies newly arrived, small communities of migrants, and looks at needs that might be overlooked. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Multicultural Summit - Queensland Premier Peter Beattie opens his government's first multicultural summit, in Brisbane in 2001. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Implementing Multicultural Policy - Patrick O'Brien, a Queensland Health policy advisor, explores the way the state's multicultural policy influences the operations of the public sector. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Future Directions for Multicultural Policy - James Jupp suggests multicultural policy for the future, taking into account the various dimensions of contemporary policy and debate. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Women and Multiculturalism - Melody Kemp compares her experiences on women's issues in Asia and in Australia and queries the implications of some of the directions of government and the media here for the future. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Multiculturalism: a unifying force? - Uri Themal rejects the notion that multiculturalism is divisive, rather that it can be used to reduce tensions in Australia caused by international crises. - More ... |
Strategy: |
Marketing Cultural Diversity - An Arts Queensland publication, providing advice for practitioners of the arts on marketing their work to people from culturally diverse backgrounds and the broader community. - More ... |
...Queensland’s multicultural turn ... |