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...The Galbally Strategy for migrant settlement... |

English language class, Port Kembla Primary School, NSW, 1979. |
 Audio Interviews: |
The Galbally strategy for migrant settlement - Malcom Fraser speaks on multiculturalism and the Galbally enquiry. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The Galbally strategy for migrant settlement - George Papadopoulos, briefly talks on multiculturalism and Fraser. - More ... |
Interviews: |
Migrant Settlement - Frank Galbally, Chairman of the Review of Post Arrival Programs and services for Migrants, discussing migrants settlement into Australias way of life, including rights. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
Galbally Report and its implications for the Ecumenical Migration Centre - Michele Langfield writes in “The Ecumenical Migration Centre, Melbourne: The First Twenty Years” of the improvements in migrant services brought about because of the 1978 Galbally Report, but also points out shortcomings. - More ... |
Reports: |
Evaluation of Post Arrival Programs and Services – Summary - An evaluation in 1982 by the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs of the implementation of the Galbally Report three years after it came out finds much to praise, but also points out failings and recommends ways of overcoming them. - More ... |
Reports: |
Migrant Services and Programs - Summary - A summary of the themes and recommendations of this 1978 report, also known as the Galbally Report, which focussed on ways of helping migrants settle into Australian life, of maintaining their cultures, and of ensuring they had the same rights and access to services as other Australians. - More ... |
Reports: |
Migrant Services and Programs - Terms of Reference - The Terms of Reference for this Review, which produced the report Migrant Services and Programs in 1978, also known as the Galbally Report, for its chairman Frank Galbally. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Migrant Services and Programs - Statement by the Prime Minister - On presenting the Galbally Report to Parliament in 1978, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser says his Government accepts the Review’s proposals on migrant services, and the financial commitments required to implement them. - More ... |
...The Galbally Strategy for migrant settlement... |