Policies: |
Queensland's Multicultural Policy - The state government's 2004 policy on multiculturalism and language services: Multicultural Queensland - making a world of difference. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Multiculturalism in public policy - Hurriyet Babacan tells about the process of moving multicultural policy from theoretical aims to ensuring it is applied in tangible ways in the provision of government services. - More ... |
Reports: |
Cultural Diversity and Civic Participation - The report of a project which explored barriers faced by people of culturally diverse backgrounds in dealing with government, as well as successes, and identified key areas to be addressed for improvement. - More ... |
Reports: |
Implementing multiculturalism - A state government report reviewing achievements in applying multicultural policy in government agencies and pointing to further ways to improve. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Reception for immigrant and refugee young people - Adele Rice, head teacher of Brisbane's Milperra High School, an intensive English language preparation centre, tells of the terrible impacts their experiences have had on many of her students who have come from countries in conflict. - More ... |
Web References: |
Listening to Emerging Voices - The report of a project of the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland, which canvassed the concerns and needs of less well established migrant groups and suggested ways of meeting those needs. - More ... |
Artworks: |
Towfiq Al-Qady, refugee artist - A selection of paintings by this Iraqi refugee now living in Brisbane, reflecting his experiences of flight and resettlement. - More ... |
Web References: |
Myths about refugees - The link to a document available on the Brisbane City Council website in several languages which explains the origins of negative perceptions of refugees and refutes these myths through factual information. - More ... |
Strategy: |
Brisbane's refugee strategy - A Brisbane City Council document outlining the city's role in refugee affairs and defining ways it can contribute to refugees being able to participate fully in civic life. - More ... |
Strategy: |
Brisbane's multicultural strategy - A Brisbane City Council document outlining its aims in building a more inclusive city through improving access, equity and participation for residents of all backgrounds. - More ... |
Web References: |
Migrant welcome - A link to Brisbane City's website where information on services to help newcomers can be accessed in several languages. - More ... |
Web References: |
Local Councils and Multiculturalism - A description of the Local Area Multicultural Partnership (LAMP) between the state government, councils, and the Local Government Association to promote community relations, and a link which provides access to: “Council of the Month”, highlighting the activities for which councils have been recognised. - More ... |
Image Collections: |
Migrant Gardeners in Brisbane - Photographs and text from a 2005 exhibition at the Museum of Brisbane which showed the types of gardens a wide range of groups of migrants planted in their new homes, reflecting their countries of origin and providing links with their lives before they came to Australia. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
Multicultural Arts - A government booklet which outlines the grants provided by Arts Queensland through its Multicultural Communities Arts Program, and a list of the groups and projects which received funding in 2003-04. - More ... |
Web References: |
Cultural diversity in the arts - Text from the website for BEMAC - the Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre - and a link to it. This organisation provides services and advocacy for artists and groups. - More ... |
Web References: |
Artists link up - Link to a website set up by BEMAC allowing artists to connect through posting their artwork. - More ... |
Image Collections: |
Showcasing Brisbane's ethnic communities - Artwork and performances from different ethnic communities, some from BEMAC's 2005 calendar which featured the artistic activities of various refugee groups in Brisbane. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
Arts Nexus - An edition of a magazine put out by Arts Nexus, an organisation for arts and cultural development in Far North Queensland. - More ... |
Web References: |
The art of Ken Thaiday - Link to a webpage of the Queensland Art Gallery displaying the work of Torres Strait Islander artist Ken Thaiday, who creates headdresses and other costume and music elements of traditional island dances. - More ... |
Web References: |
A Long Life: the See Poy portraits - Link to the story of two paintings of a Chinese family from early in the twentieth century and the historical times they reflect, and the collaborative effort which resulted in their restoration. - More ... |