Web References: |
Deck to deck - Link to a Brisbane City Council community website which tells the stories of migrant families, with "decks" symbolic of their travels to their new homes, of the lifestyles they have taken up in Brisbane, and of the city's cultural links with the world. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Population in a decade of globalisation - Australian Bureau of Statistics figures on the country's resident population, their sex and country of birth, from 1991 to 2001. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
Queensland's multicultural advantage - A state government fact sheet on the benefits of a diverse population in doing business and carrying on trade with the rest of the world. - More ... |
Articles: |
Globalisation from above and below - Narayan Gopalkrishnan examines the impacts of economic globalisation, especially the increasing numbers of global poor it has produced, and puts forward some possible responses to this at the community level. - More ... |
Media Statements: |
Beattie's had a gutful of Americanisms - A media statement from the Queensland Premier deploring what he sees as the overuse of American words and expressions, and calling on the media and educators to hold on to Australian language. - More ... |
Web References: |
Brisbane: regional and world city - Link to the City Council's statement of its goals for the future: "Living in Brisbane 2010", including its vision for the city's position as a regional and world city. - More ... |
Web References: |
Globalisation in Queensland schools - Link to the Queensland Studies Authority, which works on curriculum and testing in Queensland schools. A search using the word "globalisation" will bring up a range of curriculum information on this subject and its teaching. - More ... |
Articles: |
What does globalisation mean to Australia? - A summary of pro and anti-globalisation arguments. - More ... |
Audio Transcripts: |
ABC Radio: Globally Speaking - The Politics of Globalisation - Where to Australia? - Transcript of a discussion on the issues surrounding globalisation. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
AusAID: Globalisation and the Aid Program - Read about Australia's commitment to assist developing countries affected by globalisation. - More ... |
Reports: |
Globalisation: Perceptions and Threats to National Government in Australia - This paper considers the challenges that globalisation poses to national interests, security and identity and surveys possible responses to these concerns. - More ... |
Submissions: |
Globalisation: A threat to Australian culture? - Read Jonathan Pickering's essay on the relationship between globalisation and Australian culture. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
Culture, Trade and Globalisation - Questions and answers on culture, trade and globalisation from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) website. - More ... |