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...The Landmark Mabo Decision... |

Marking "Invasion Day", the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Europeans in 1988 Artist: Andrew Hill |
 Audio Interviews: |
The landmark Mabo decision - Mick Dodson talks about the Native title Act. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The landmark Mabo decision - Cristina Pebaque, former Coordinator, Canterbury-Bankstown Migrant Resource Centre, talks about the failures in the multicultural debate with Aboriginal people. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The landmark Mabo decision - Dr Peter Shergold speaks about the major weakness of the multicultural policy. - More ... |
TV Current Affairs: |
Battles Small and Great, The First Twenty Years of the Racial Discrimination Act (Excerpt) - Paul Keating speaking in Redfern, Sydney on 10 December 1992, on Indigenous issues. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
Global Cultural Diversity Conference (Excerpt) - Noel Pearson speaks on Aboriginal health, and Aboriginals being comfortable in their dealings with Australians in their own country. - More ... |
Archival Footage: |
"Invasion Day" (Excerpt) - Protests in Sydney, on 26 January, 1988, marking "Invasion Day" the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Europeans in Australia - More ... |
Articles: |
Recognising Indigenous Rights - The Chairperson of ATSIC writes in 1995 that Australia is increasingly acknowledging the rights of its original inhabitants. - More ... |
Parliamentary Debates: |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Native Title Bill 1993 - Excerpts from comments by Prime Minister Keating at the Second Reading of the Native Title Bill in 1993, outlining its significance in improving the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. - More ... |
Legislation: |
Native Title Act 1993 - The preamble to the Native Title Act of 1993, which explains the history behind it and outlines the government’s intentions through the Act. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
Reconciliation and its Key Issues - A pamphlet put out by the Council listing and explaining eight key issues which are an essential part of the reconciliation process. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Reconciliation at the Crossroads - The Chairperson for Aboriginal Reconciliation tells the National Press Club where the process stands in April 1996, and presents five proposals to put the nation more firmly on the track to reconciliation. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Eddie Mabo Human Rights Lecture - In this 1995 talk, Aboriginal activist Noel Pearson reviews the history of the struggle for native title, and pays tribute to Eddie Mabo for the crucial role he played, saying the Mabo ruling has laid the foundation for the future of all Australians. - More ... |
...The Landmark Mabo Decision... |