 Audio Interviews: |
The 1986 Budget Row - Vasiliki Nihas explains the 1986 budget. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The 1986 Budget Row - Dr Peter Shergold speaks his view on the 1986 Budget Row. - More ... |
Archival Footage: |
The 1986 Budget row - Protesters against the 1986 budget greet the Prime Minister Bob Hawke, while he defends it. - More ... |
Articles: |
Special Broadcasting Service in the Banana Republic - Quo Vadis? - Sociologist Andrew Jakubowicz argues that there is little saving to be made from amalgamating SBS and the ABC, saying the proposal in the 1986 Federal Budget represents a cynical political exercise which would constitute a great loss. - More ... |
Articles: |
Multiculturalism Betrayed - This editorial from Ethnic Spotlight, the newsletter of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, condemns the 1986 Federal Budget cuts to multicultural programs, saying the responsibility for building a multicultural Australia has been shifted to organisations such as FECCA. - More ... |
Articles: |
ESL - A Major Equity Program - On the eve of the 1986/87 federal Budget, this article examines the crucial role of the English as a Second Language program in New South Wales schools, and the difficulties the State government would face in funding it if the Commonwealth went ahead with cuts. - More ... |
Articles: |
The End of Multiculturalism? or... From Margins to the Centre - Two views on the “mainstreaming” of services to migrants in light of the cuts in the 1986 Budget, both criticising the Federal Government’s application of the policy, though Paolo Totaro of the NSW Ethnic Affairs Commission says it can work effectively for migrants, and has done so in his state. - More ... |
Articles: |
That Was The Week That Was - The editor of Ethnic Spotlight, the newsletter of FECCA, catalogues the decisions in the 1986 Budget affecting multiculturalism, arguing they amount to an abandonment of the policy by the Federal Government. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
Interview: MacPhee - The transcript of an ABC radio interview, in which the Shadow Minister for Communications Ian MacPhee explains why he believes the merger of the SBS and ABC, included in the 1986 budget, is bad policy. - More ... |
Articles: |
A Question of Rights - Amid indications of the possible demise of the Human Rights Commission as part of the 1986 Federal Budget process, the commissioner Manuel Aroney argues the importance of preserving the organisation, saying the money saved would be very little, but the social cost would be great. - More ... |
Submissions: |
Submission to Colston Committee re: SBS/ABC merger - The founding chairman of SBS condemns the 1986 plan to merge SBS and the ABC, saying the cost savings don’t justify the move, that the proposal is part of ongoing obstruction of the network by some senior government members, and that SBS has provided an important bridge linking all Australians. - More ... |
Parliamentary Debates: |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate: Government’s Position on Multiculturalism - Prime Minister Bob Hawke defends his 1986 Budget and the cuts in it to multicultural programs and services and insists his government continues to be committed to multiculturalism. - More ... |
Articles: |
AIMA Axed - AIMA Council member Clare Dunne deplores the government decision in the 1986 Budget to shut down the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs, especially in view of the uncertainty surrounding its proposed replacement. - More ... |
Articles: |
Federal Budget 1986/87 Implications for Ethnic Affairs - An analysis of the 1986 Federal Budget in Ethnos, the magazine of the NSW Ethnic Affairs Commission, concludes that the federal commitment to multiculturalism is vanishing, with the Budget marking the end of the government’s support for multicultural programs and services. - More ... |