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Forming a racially pure democracy... |

"Piebald Possibilities - a little Australian Christmas family party of the future". Cartoon: Livingstone Hopkins, The Bulletin, 13 December 1902. |
 Audio Interviews: |
Forming a racially pure democracy - Mick Dodson discussing immigration issues with the Federal Parliament and Chinese migration to Australia - More ... |
Archival Footage: |
"Kanakas" workers in Queensland Canefields 1899 - Workers from the South Pacific were brought to Australia, often against their will, to work for British farmers in appalling conditions. After Federation, this practice was eventually stopped and the "Kanakas" deported, as they were seen as unfair competition to the white workforce. - More ... |
Parliamentary Debates: |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - “The objection I have...” - The words of J. C. Watson, who was to become the first Labor Prime Minister in 1904, in support of the Immigration Restriction Bill in 1901, quoted in Gough Whitlam’s The Whitlam Government 1972-1975. - More ... |
Parliamentary Debates: |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - The case for national racial unity - The words of Alfred Deakin, then Attorney-General in the Commonwealth Government, in Parliament in September of 1901, in support of a White Australia policy. - More ... |
Legislation: |
Immigration Restriction Act, 1901 - Excerpts of the 1901 Act, defining who would, from then on, be considered a “prohibited immigrant” to Australia, from The Australian Welfare State, Key Documents and Themes, edited by John Wilson, Jane Thomson and Anthony McMahon. - More ... |
Legislation: |
Migration Act 1958, The Schedule, Section 3 - This schedule shows the number of changes to legislation dealing with immigration from the original Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 until 1958. - More ... |
Forming a racially pure democracy... |