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MMA Links: |
Timeline - Explore the Immigration Museum's timeline of the of the 1900s to 1940s - More ... |
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Key legislation for White Australia - Key legislation for White Australia - More ... |
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Passages for the dictation test - Passages for the dictation test - More ... |
MMA Links: |
"White Alien" research resources, National Archives of Australia. - "White Alien" research resources, National Archives of Australia. Identifies Victorian issues about managing non-British immigration. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Andrew Markus on the role war plays in intensifying racism - Historian Andrew Markus explains the role war plays in intensifying racism - More ... |
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John Lack on anti-immigrant sentiment - Historian John Lack reflects on anti-immigrant sentiment in the 1920s - More ... |
History: |
Heidi Zogbaum reviews the Kisch case of 1934 - Heidi Zogbaum reviews the Kisch case of 1934 and its impact on Australian public culture - More ... |
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Gwenda Tavan on the impact of White Australia - Historian Gwenda Tavan explains the impact of White Australia - More ... |
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Michele Langfield on the decline in Irish immigration in 1920s - Historian Michele Langfield describes the decline in Irish immigration during the 1920s - More ... |
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Michele Langfield on Italian farmers - Historian Michele Langfield describes how Italian farmers were "scattered" among the mass of British farmer settlers in places like Shepparton so that there would be some farmers at least who knew about irrigation - More ... |
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Michele Langfield about White Aliens and the disincentives to non-British European immigration - Historian Michele Langfield talks about White Aliens and the disincentives to non-British European immigration - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow on Irish Catholics during World War I in Australia - Historian Jeff Sparrow explores the pressures and demonisation of Irish Catholics during World War I in Australia, and muses on the comparisons with Muslims in the 21st century. - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow on early Irish Catholic identification - Historian Jeff Sparrow describes the early Irish Catholic identification with the "Left" and its gradual movement to a more conservative political position. - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow on the ALPs chequered history in relation to immigration - Historian Jeff Sparrow reflects on the ALP's chequered history in relation to immigration - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow questions simple images of the labour movement as racist - Historian Jeff Sparrow questions simple images of the labour movement as racist. - More ... |
Italian Stories |
Statistics: |
Statistics on Italians in Australia - Statistics on Italians in Australia - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Laura Mecca on Italians who came to Australia in 1920s - Historian Laura Mecca tells of the Italians who came to Australia in the 1920s after the USA blocked immigration - More ... |
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Maria Tence tells of Italian immigrants of the 1920s - Historian and museum curator Maria Tence tells of Italian immigrants of the 1920s who thought they were arriving in America - More ... |
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Maria Tence on the small business focus of early immigrants - Historian and museum curator Maria Tence describes the small business focus of early immigrants and their sense of themselves as White - More ... |
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Concetta Benn tells her father's story - Concetta Benn tells her father's story - More ... |
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Concetta Benn on schooling in the 1930s - Concetta Benn reflects on going to school in the 1930s - More ... |
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Concetta Benn on Italian families of pre-war Australia - Concetta Benn discusses the Italian families of pre-war Australia - More ... |
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Laura Mecca on Italian experiences of the politicisation of Italian immigrants in the 1920s and '30s - Historian Laura Mecca describes Italian experiences of the strikes of the 1920s on the Australian waterfront and the conflict they experienced. She also describes Italian fascism and anti-Fascism. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on the rise of Italian Fascism and anti-fascism in Melbourne during the 1920s and 1930s - Historian and museum curator Maria Tence describes the rise of Italian Fascism in Melbourne during the 1920s and 1930s. - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow details the work of the Matteoti Club and the anarchist Italian anti-Fascists - Historian Jeff Sparrow details the work of the Matteoti Club and the anarchist Italian anti-Fascists in pre-War Melbourne of the 1930s - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow on the rise of Catholic anti-communism - Historian Jeff Sparrow describes the rise of Catholic anti-communism and its ties with elements of the Italian community - More ... |
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Concetta Benn on the difficulties of being Australian and Italian in relation to defending Australia - Concetta Benn examines the difficulties of being Australian and Italian in relation to defending Australia in War - More ... |
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Maria Tence on the internment of Italians during World War 2 - Historian and museum curator Maria Tence describes the internment of Italians during World War 2, in camps such as Tatura in northern Victoria. - More ... |
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Laura Mecca on civilian internment and Italian prisoners of war in Australia - Historian Laura Mecca tells of the experience of Australian Italians who were interned as "enemy aliens"; and Italian prisoners of war in Australia including those who returned as post-war immigrants. - More ... |
Jewish Stories |
Archival Images: |
St Kilda Synagogue opened 1927 - St Kilda Synagogue opened 1927 - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Andrew Markus regarding Jewish immigrants and the barriers they encountered - Historian Andrew Markus reviews the situation regarding Jewish immigrants and the barriers they encountered - More ... |
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Lionel Sharpe on Anti-Semitism in 1930s - Genealogist Lionel Sharpe describes Anti-Semitism in the 1930s - More ... |
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Lionel Sharpe on the complexities of Jewish immigration - Genealogist Lionel Sharpe details the complexities of Jewish immigration through the White Australia period - More ... |
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Michele Langfield analyses the Australian experience of Jewish refugees after 1937 - Historian Michele Langfield analyses the Australian experience of Jewish refugees after 1937, the Australian agreement to accept 15,000 refugee, and the pervasive anti-Semitism. - More ... |
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Helen Light tells the story of her family's arrival in Australia in the 1930s - Helen Light tells the story of her family's arrival in Australia in the 1930s, escaping Nazism - More ... |
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Helen Light tells her father's story - Helen Light tells her father's story - More ... |
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Helen Light tells her mother's story - Helen Light tells her mother's story - More ... |
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Arnold Zable on his parents struggle to get to Australia - Writer Arnold Zable describes the struggle of his parents to get to Australia after fleeing Poland before the War. - More ... |
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Lionel Sharpe on Jewish culture - Genealogist Lionel Sharpe describes Jewish culture in Melbourne in the 1930s - More ... |
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Moss Cass reflects on his Jewish identity as a young man - Moss Cass reflects on his Jewish identity as a young man - More ... |
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Bernard Korbman on the empathy between Jews and Indigenous Australians in 1938 - Holocaust Museum director Bernard Korbman reflects on the empathy between Jews and Indigenous Australians in 1938 and the action by Aborigines on behalf of Jews - More ... |
 Articles: |
The Age Dec 3 1938 - Read The Age reporting a 1938 campaign by Aboriginal Victorians to petition the Nazi consul in defence of Germany's Jews. Credit: With permission Melbourne Holocaust Museum - More ... |
 Articles: |
The Argus Dec 7 1937 - Read The Argus reporting a 1938 campaign by Aboriginal Victorians to petition the Nazi consul in defence of Germany's Jews. Credit: With permission Melbourne Holocaust Museum - More ... |
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Robert Manne on his parents arrival after Evian in Australia in the 1930s - Political scientist Robert Manne describes his parents arrival after Evian in Australia in the 1930s. - More ... |
Chinese Stories |
 Audio Interviews: |
John Fitzgerald on White Australa in a radio talk on the ABC 2007 - Historian John Fitzgerald reflects on White Australa in a radio talk on the ABC 2007 following publication of his book "Big White Lie" - More ... |
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John Fitzgerald on how Chinese declined after Federation - Historian John Fitzgerald describes how the Chinese population of Australia declined after Federation - More ... |
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Gwenda Tavan about Arthur Calwell's role - Historian Gwenda Tavan reflects on Arthur Calwell's role as Immigration Minister - More ... |
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John Fitzgerald on how Chinese endorsed Federation - Historian John Fitzgerald describes how the Chinese population of Australia endorsed Federation - More ... |
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Mark Wang on the effects of White Australia on Chinese residents - Mark Wang identifies the effects of White Australia on Chinese residents - More ... |
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Mabel Wang remembers growing up in Carlton in the 1930s - Mabel Wang remembers growing up in Carlton in the 1930s, already a place of cultural diversity - More ... |
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Mark Wang on the post-Federation experience of Melbourne's Chinese community - Mark Wang details the post-Federation experience of Melbourne's Chinese community - More ... |
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Mabel Wang on the impact of White Australia on her extended family - Mabel Wang describes the impact of White Australia on her extended family - More ... |
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Mabel Wang on her father's role as a leader - Mabel Wang reflects on her father's role as a leader in the declining Chinese community of Melbourne - More ... |
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Mabel Wang about her early years with her husband David Wang - Mabel Wang describes her early years with her Shanghai born husband David Wang (Wang Neng Hwan) - More ... |
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Mark Wang about the lives of his parents - Mark Wang discusses the lives of his parents Mabel and David Wang - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow on the early conflicts between Chinese workers and unions - Historian Jeff Sparrow analyses the early conflicts between Chinese workers and unions and the Australian labour movement - More ... |
Image Collections: |
Chinn-Leong Slide Show - The Chin family and daughter Eunice Leong, musician, soldier, and teacher. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
John Lack on the moves to expel Chinese refugees - Historian John Lack describes the moves to expel Chinese refugees at the end of World War 2 - More ... |
MMA Links: |
Brawley's account of the struggle by Annie O'Keefe - Read Sean Brawley's account of the struggle by Annie O'Keefe to stay in Australia in the period leading up to the Wartime Refugee Removal Act of 1949 - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
History of Melbourne's Chinese restaurants - Barbara Nichols strolls through the history of Melbourne's Chinese restaurants - More ... |