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Helen Light on mono cultural religious education

Helen Light and Mara Moustafine.

Helen Light worries about the tensions potentially generated by mono cultural religious education for a secular multicultural society



Date Added:

10 March 2009


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File size:

4 MB






I think single religious schools have again, they’re important in terms of cultural continuity, but I do think there is a worry in terms of segregating people from other parts of a culturally diverse society. Although they seem to mix together when they come to unit. I find it difficult and I’ve been trying to wrestle with this and – because I do think it’s worth preserving one’s cultural difference, but I think it’s really important that we all live together too and it’s getting the balance right. And we seem to have had it for a while but it’s being threatened now.


The basis on which we operate our museum is that it’s good to live in a culturally diverse society and that it’s the only healthy way of living and I deeply believe that, but I’ve been questioning it because you can’t just accept things, but I don’t know any other way, I still deeply believe it and it’s probably flawed and it’s hard to achieve but I don’t think there’s any other system that you can – is worth fighting for. And I think you’ve just got to teach respect and in the end whether you learn in a single culture school or another culture, as long as you teach respect for difference, perhaps that’s the way to go. I mean it sounds motherhood stuff, but I don’t have a simple answer.


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