Battles Small and Great, The First Twenty Years of the Racial Discrimination Act
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) |
Documentary excerpt, Moves towards ending the White Australia Policy. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 23 secs | Date Added: 28 June 2002 | |
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Battles Small and Great, The First Twenty Years of the Racial Discrimination Act (Excerpt)
Murphy, Lionel |
Lionel Murphy, former Attorney General Introducing the Racial Disrimination Act and its definition. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 29 secs | Date Added: 03 June 2002 | |
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Confronting racism
Mok, Jeannie |
Jeannie Mok describes the way that the Pauline Hanson controversy unified ethnic communities, horrified at the implications of her anti-multiculturalism views. |
Format: mov | Size: 4 MB | Length: 2 min 19 s | Date Added: 16 February 2006 | |
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National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia (Excerpt)
Hawke, Bob |
Prime Minister Bob Hawke, launching the National Agenda for Multicultural Australia |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 1min 6secs | Date Added: 07 June 2002 | |
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Queensland refugees
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
An introduction to narratives of self and survival |
Format: mov | Size: 10 MB | Length: 7 min 01 s | Date Added: 22 May 2006 | |
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Racial Discrimination
Antonios, Zita |
Zita Antonios, Race Discrimination Commissioner, speaks about the Racial Discrimination Act. |
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 1min 26sec | Date Added: 28 June 2002 | |
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