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...The Labor Party in power ... |

Key figures in the Labor movement: Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke, Clyde Cameron, and Lionel Murphy. |
 Audio Interviews: |
The Labor Party in Power - Al Grassby, Minister of Immigration, speaks on the multicultural concept and other concepts introduced. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
The Labor Party in Power - Franca Arena, Member of the NSW Legislative Council, tells of the election. - More ... |
Reports: |
Inquiry into the departure of settlers from Australia - This 1973 report looks at the rate, pattern, and causes of departure of settlers and recommends ways the government can improve services to migrants to slow the rate of departures. - More ... |
Reports: |
Committee on Community Relations - The August 1974 interim report of this Immigration Advisory Council’s Committee, set up to enquire into discrimination against migrants, recommends ways for increasing sensitivity to people of diverse backgrounds across the community. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Good Neighbour Council of South Australia - In a speech opening the 25th anniversary celebrations of South Australia’s Good Neighbour Council on 13 July 1974, the Prime Minister reviews his government’s achievements in migrant affairs and defends the controversial decision to reorganise the Department of Immigration. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
Whitlam Government 1972-1975: “My government liberalised Australia’s immigration laws” - Former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam describes how his government changed the immigration laws, and boosted services in a number of areas to migrants. - More ... |
Reports: |
Poverty in Australia - This section of a 1975 report of the Commission of Inquiry into Poverty looks at the situation of migrants in terms of housing, employment opportunities, language problems, and social welfare needs; reviews existing services and organisations; and recommends improvements. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
A multi-cultural society for the future - In this key 1973 paper, the Immigration Minister Al Grassby argues that ethnic pluralism is the most desirable philosophy for Australia as it moves towards the year 2000, and the most realistic given the experiences of immigration in the past. - More ... |
Reports: |
Australia’s Decade of Decision - A report to Parliament in 1973 by the Minister for Immigration, Al Grassby, in which he reviews the history of immigration to Australia; lists policy changes on immigration, citizenship and migrant services introduced by his government; outlines plans for improvement of these services; and looks to future challenges as Australia seeks to establish its identity. - More ... |
...The Labor Party in power ... |