 Interviews: |
Race and discrimination - Historian Regina Ganter describes discriminatory measures used to categorise the state's diverse population from the 1800s, and the impact of World War Two in changing the demographics in North Queensland. - More ... |
Web References: |
Pioneers of Love - Link to the description of an SBS documentary about the marriage of a Russian migrant and an Aboriginal woman in the early twentieth century in North Queensland and the racism and difficulties they faced. - More ... |
Information Pamphlets: |
Torres Strait Islanders - Information on the Torres Strait Islander community, from the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training's "Racism no way" initiative. - More ... |
Web References: |
South Sea Islanders - Links to a section of the Queensland Government website which outlines the contributions of the state's South Sea Islanders, in spite of their regularly encountering discrimination throughout their history. - More ... |
Book Excerpts: |
"Multicultural Trailblazer" - Warren Joe Lomas Leo - A description of the work of Warren 'Joe' Lomas Leo in the campaign to get recognition for South Sea Islanders and in setting up sporting clubs and teams for his community in North Queensland. - More ... |
Audio Transcripts: |
Spotlight on Racism - Community leader Evelyn Scott tells of her experiences of racism and gives advice on how to deal with it, from the "Racism no way" website. - More ... |
Web References: |
Racism no way - Link to the Queensland section of a Commonwealth initiative to combat racism in schools, containing a list of programs in the state with similar goals and the links to them. - More ... |
Web References: |
Under the skin - Link to an Education Queensland website which outlines teaching of anti-racism units in the state's schools. - More ... |
MMA Links: |
The Blainey debate - Link to views and information elsewhere on this website on the debate triggered by historian Geoffrey Blainey’s 1984 comments on Asian immigration. - More ... |
MMA Links: |
The Hanson debate - Links to some of the material elsewhere on this website on the controversy unleashed by Pauline Hanson and her views after her election to Federal Parliament in 1996. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Hansonism - Max Brandle sees the popularity of One Nation politician Pauline Hanson as having been primarily based on the fear for jobs among the lowest paid, rather than on racism. - More ... |
 Interviews: |
Confronting racism - Jeannie Mok describes the way that the Pauline Hanson controversy unified ethnic communities, horrified at the implications of her anti-multiculturalism views. - More ... |
Strategy: |
Community Relations Plan - The Queensland Government's strategy, adopted in 1999, to promote positive community relations among all groups in the state. - More ... |
Information Kits: |
Community Relations Resource Kit - A state government guide, including broad principles and practical advice and examples, for those developing community relations plans. - More ... |
Interviews: |
Mosque attack, September 2001 - Mohammed Abdalla recalls the arson attack on his mosque in the wake of 9/11 and how the community turned this destructive act into a way of building bridges with the wider community. - More ... |
Reports: |
Isma - Listen - Documents resulting from community consultations carried out by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 2003 on ways to eliminate prejudice against Arab and Muslim Australians. - More ... |
Audio Interviews: |
Community consultation - A participant in the Isma - Listen consultations, conducted by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, suggests a strategy to address prejudice. - More ... |
Image Collections: |
Be Fearless! - Participants at an African youth night in Brisbane in August 2005, organised through the ECCQ’s Be Fearless! Program, which aims to strengthen and support communities from the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific Islands and Former Yugoslavia. - More ... |
Web References: |
Scattered People - The link to a Brisbane City Council community website, on which refugees and asylum seekers tell about their escapes from their countries of origin and their struggles to be allowed to stay in Australia. - More ... |
Web References: |
Brisbane Actionweb for Refugee Collaboration - Link to the BARC! website which helps groups and organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers to keep in touch and coordinate their activities. - More ... |
Reports: |
Queensland racism: a graphical analysis - Attitudes towards cultural diversity in different parts of the state are mapped and analysed, based on information from a 2001 survey. - More ... |