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...Arts for a multicultural Australia... |

"National Park on Fire" Artist: Hua Huang |
 Audio Interviews: |
Arts for a Multicultural Australia - Teresa Cresa, Artistic Director, Doppio Teatro, speaks about her work. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
Arts for a Multicultural Australia - Pauline Chan, film actor and Director, speaks about the changes in the roles for characters in films. - More ... |
Articles: |
Arts - Cultural Maintenance? - The Deputy Executive Officer of the Cultural Community Development Unit of the Australia Council in 1995 writes about the evolution of the Council’s multicultural arts policy, in particular its shift from the aim of cultural maintenance to seeing diversity as central to Australia’s cultural product and representations. - More ... |
Policies: |
Arts for a Multicultural Australia, 1998 - The objectives of the 1998 Australia Council Policy on Australian Arts and Cultural Diversity. - More ... |
History: |
Arts for a Multicultural Australia 1973-1991 - A detailed history of the way the Australia Council for the Arts has dealt with issues of multiculturalism and ethnic arts from its establishment in 1973, to 1991. - More ... |
Policies: |
Policy on Arts for a Multicultural Australia - The 1993 version of the Australia Council’s policy in this area, a policy which was initiated in 1989 with the stated aim of supporting and developing the artistic activities of people of non-English speaking background. - More ... |
Articles: |
Closing the Gap from Policy to Practice - The Director of the Brisbane Ethnic Music and Arts Centre in 1995 deplores the gap between policy on the arts and reality, and calls for more non-English speaking background representation in the large arts organisations as one way of dealing with this situation as it affects artists from culturally diverse backgrounds. - More ... |
Policies: |
Arts for a Multicultural Australia: Policy Principles 1996-99 - The 1996 version of the Australia Council's policy on Arts for a Multicultural Australia, which seeks the promotion of cultural diversity as integral to all Council priorities, and policy and program initiatives, while removing it as a council priority. - More ... |
Articles: |
Robert De Niro's Waiting - Actor Lex Marinos writes in 1995 about the obstacles that Australians of non-English speaking background face in the film, television and theatre industries, and speculates that an actor like Robert De Niro would have had an uphill battle for recognition had his family immigrated to Australia instead of the US. - More ... |
Policies: |
Arts in a Multicultural Australia: Policy Objectives - Extensive consultations with artists and arts workers revitalises the Council's Multicultural Advisory Committee in 2002.
Arts in a Multicultural Australia policy is launched and includes a 5-year strategic plan for three key areas: skilling, promotion and engagement. - More ... |
Statistics: |
“Don’t give up your Day Job”: An Economic Study of Professional Artists in Australia - An economic study of professional artists in Australia - More ... |
...Arts for a multicultural Australia... |