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...A national multicultural agenda for all Australians... |

Prime Minister Bob Hawke launches the National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia in Sydney, 29 July 1989. |
 Audio Interviews: |
A national multicultural agenda for all Australians - Dr Peter Shergold discussing how he saw the National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
A national multicultural agenda for all Australians - Irene Moss, briefly talks on The National Agenda. - More ... |
TV Current Affairs: |
National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia (Excerpt) - Prime Minister Bob Hawke, launching the National Agenda for Multicultural Australia - More ... |
Policies: |
National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia - A definition of multiculturalism, the rights and limits of the policy, and eight goals of multiculturalism, from the 1989 National Agenda. - More ... |
Reports: |
Multicultural Australia - the Next Steps: Towards and Beyond 2000 - The Preface and Summary of Recommendations of this 1995 review of the 1989 National Agenda, which evaluates progress in implementing the Agenda and makes recommendations on what still needs to be done as Australia approaches the 21st century. - More ... |
Speeches: |
National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia launch - Excerpts from the Prime Minister’s speech at the launch of The National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia in 1989 in Sydney - More ... |
Submissions: |
FECCA response to the discussion paper “Towards a National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia” - The Federation’s 1988 submission on the discussion paper preceding the National Agenda focuses on three elements: the setting of goals, a legislative charter, and a national policy on languages. - More ... |
Policies: |
National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia: Goals - The eight principle goals of multiculturalism contained in the National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia launched in 1989. - More ... |
...A national multicultural agenda for all Australians... |