Arab-Australian: What's in a name?
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This lesson uses Hot Words from Making Multicultural Australia to generate student discussion. Student activities include finding the definitions, discussing them and then developing texts that could lead to more extended discussion. It is intended to explore the meanings of the words ‘Arab’, ‘Arabic’ and ‘Australian’, as well as the issues that may arise from different interpretations and understandings. In English the focus would be critical literacy, while in Geography issues of cultural identity would be more the focus. It could be a single lesson or extended into a series of lessons using the extension activities.
Are We All the Same?
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Film posters have been used from Making Multicultural Australia as a stimulus for these two lessons. The diversity of the Australian population is further investigated through reading material from the Racism. No Way! website. Three work sheets are included to support classroom activities. |
Aussie Food
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This idea for two lessons uses a document and photograph from Making Multicultural Australia to investigate what ‘Aussie food’ is and how it is evolving. It also touches on many deeper aspects of our richly diverse Australian population. Worksheets are included to support classroom and homework activities.
Australian Identity: Who is an Australian?
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This topic starts with a fun introductory activity in which students can learn some facts whilst getting to know their classmates better. A Worksheet provides a focus to extract and summarise material relating to cultural identity.
Video literacy is an important skill in both English and Drama. This lesson uses video excerpts from the Making Multicultural Australia library which are short and lend themselves to be played repeatedly to give the students an opportunity to extract the relevant information. Each video excerpt gives another angle to Australian identity. A Worksheet is provided to support this activity.
This activity is designed for two or more lessons.
