Background Information – The Snowy Scheme
Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority |
In describing the construction history and capabilities of its Snowy Scheme, the Authority points to the contributions made by immigrants from many countries. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Arthur Calwell, August 1945
Calwell, Arthur |
The Minister for Immigration and Information tells Parliament in August 1945 that the war has shown the need for a larger population in Australia for defence and for the expansion of the economy. |
Format: pdf | Size: 150K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Arthur Calwell, November 1946
Calwell, Arthur |
The Minister for Immigration and Information argues in Parliament in November 1946 that an expansion in the immigration intake is necessary for security reasons, though migrants from the UK should continue to be favoured. |
Format: pdf | Size: 157K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Beazley, Kim
Beazley, Kim |
The Leader of the Opposition expresses his support in Parliament for the October 1996 racial tolerance motion, though he says the ALP would have liked it to go further than the wording finally agreed to. |
Format: pdf | Size: 20K | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 10 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Gareth Evans
Evans, Gareth |
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition gives his support in Parliament to the October 1996 racial tolerance motion, though he regrets the lack of reference to multiculturalism and other elements which he says the ALP had wanted included. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Graeme Campbell
Campbell, Graeme |
The only member of the House of Representatives to vote against the October 1996 racial tolerance motion criticises what he says is the lack of discussion on immigration issues, saying the bipartisan approach to them has stifled debate. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Hanson’s maiden speech
Hanson, Pauline |
Excerpts from the controversial maiden speech by independent MP Pauline Hanson in Parliament in September 1996. |
Format: pdf | Size: 272K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - John Howard
Howard, John |
The Prime Minister’s address to Parliament in moving the October 1996 racial tolerance resolution in the aftermath of the debate triggered by Pauline Hanson’s maiden speech the |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - Native Title Bill 1993
Keating, Paul |
Excerpts from comments by Prime Minister Keating at the Second Reading of the Native Title Bill in 1993, outlining its significance in improving the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. |
Format: pdf | Size: 273K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - The case for national racial unity
Deakin, Alfred |
The words of Alfred Deakin, then Attorney-General in the Commonwealth Government, in Parliament in September of 1901, in support of a White Australia policy. |
Format: pdf | Size: 153K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate - “The objection I have...”
Watson, John Christian |
The words of J. C. Watson, who was to become the first Labor Prime Minister in 1904, in support of the Immigration Restriction Bill in 1901, quoted in Gough Whitlam’s The Whitlam Government 1972-1975. |
Format: pdf | Size: 147K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate: Government’s Position on Multiculturalism
Hawke, Bob |
Prime Minister Bob Hawke defends his 1986 Budget and the cuts in it to multicultural programs and services and insists his government continues to be committed to multiculturalism. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 31 March 2002 | |
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Commonwealth Parliamentary Debate: The Immigration Minister on Professor Blainey
West, Stewart |
Immigration Minister Stewart West tells Parliament in May 1984 he rejects Professor Blainey’s views, which he says would see immigration policy on its way back to a White Australia, and calls on the Opposition to take a clear stand in the debate. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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NSW Charter of Principles for a Culturally Diverse Society
Ethnic Affairs Commission of NSW |
Charter of Principles for a Culturally Diverse Society–Handbook 1997 from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 16 July 2002 | |
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Racial Tolerance
Beazley, Kim |
Racial Tolerance: a commonwealth parliamentary debate
from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 16 July 2002 | |
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Racial Tolerance
Campbell, Graeme |
Racial Tolerance: a commonwealth parliamentary debate
from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 16 July 2002 | |
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Racial Tolerance
Howard, John |
Racial Tolerance: a commonwealth parliamentary debate
from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 17 July 2002 | |
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