A Quintessential Collision
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
This paper explores processes of cultural collision and reconstitution through an examination of three dimensions of the Vietnamese in Australia - the criminal world of the heroin trade; the rise and fall of Phuong Ngo; and the celebration of Generation 2. |
Format: pdf | Size: 192 Kb | Length: 13 pages | Date Added: 21 April 2004 | |
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A report on Globalism and Education, RMIT University
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
A report on Globalism and Education, RMIT University |
Format: pdf | Size: 224 KB | Length: 8 Pages | Date Added: 16 April 2009 | |
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Access and Equity: Evaluation Summary
Office of Multicultural Affairs |
The 1992 report of an evaluation of the Access and Equity Strategy’s impact on all government departments and agencies, which concluded it had generally been successful, but which also found shortcomings in areas like language and dealings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. |
Format: pdf | Size: 456K | Length: 17 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Access and Equity: The development of Victoria’s ethnic affairs policies
Sheppard, Gary |
The conclusions and recommendations of a 1983 review into the implementation of the Victorian Government’s Ethnic Affairs Policy, focusing on the degree of success in its two main aims: access and equity. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Access to Excellence: Overview Report
Castles, Stephen; Cope, Bill and Kalantzis, Mary |
Excerpts of the Overview Report of the 1994 four-volume study Access to Excellence: A Review of Issues Affecting Artists and Arts from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds examining the concept of artistic excellence and how it can be used both to discriminate against and for artists. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Asian Entrepreneurs in Australia
Ip, David; Kitay, Jim; Lever-Tracy, Constance; Phillips, Irene and Tracy, Noel |
The executive summary of this 1991 report which looks into ethnic small business in the Chinese and Indian communities in Brisbane and Sydney, and finds high levels of successful, independent businesses among these two migrant groups. |
Format: pdf | Size: 337K | Length: 9 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Auditing Multiculturalism: the Australian empire a generation after Galbally
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Text of a presentation reflecting on the first 25 years of multicultural policy in Australia. Presented at the FECCA conference, December 2003 |
Format: pdf | Size: 931 kb | Length: 16 pages | Date Added: 26 February 2004 | |
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Australia and Refugees, 1901–2002: An Annotated Chronology Based on Official Sources
Commonwealth of Australia |
This detailed chronology is based on official sources and covers a long and complex period of Australian immigration and refugee experience, the years 1901 to 2002. |
Format: pdf | Size: 3.4 Mb | Length: 161 pages | Date Added: 27 April 2004 | |
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Australian Multiculturalism for a New Century: Towards inclusiveness
Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs |
In 2003 over 40 languages other than English are taught in Australian schools.
Read in this document about the key commonwealth Lote programs.
Web reference: http://www.immi.gov.au/multicultural /_inc/publications/nmac/chapt_3d.htm |
Format: doc | Size: 45 kb | Length: 9 pages | Date Added: 01 March 2004 | |
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Australia’s Decade of Decision
Grassby, Al |
A report to Parliament in 1973 by the Minister for Immigration, Al Grassby, in which he reviews the history of immigration to Australia; lists policy changes on immigration, citizenship and migrant services introduced by his government; outlines plans for improvement of these services; and looks to future challenges as Australia seeks to establish its identity. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Australia’s Immigration Programme for the Period 1968-1973
Immigration Planning Council |
The summary of conclusions and recommendations of a 1968 report on future immigration policy, which reaffirms that large scale immigration should continue and recommends government action to facilitate the achievement of immigration targets. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Baptists in Australia
Hughes, Philip J. |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research profiling the Baptist church in Australia, and outlining possible reasons for its apparent success in attracting new adherents. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Buddhists in Australia
Adam, Enid and Hughes, Philip J. |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research on Buddhism in Australia, and on the many forms of the religion brought here by different migrant groups. |
Format: pdf | Size: 212K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Committee on Community Relations
Immigration Advisory Council |
The August 1974 interim report of this Immigration Advisory Council’s Committee, set up to enquire into discrimination against migrants, recommends ways for increasing sensitivity to people of diverse backgrounds across the community. |
Format: pdf | Size: 377K | Length: 7 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Cultural Diversity and Civic Participation
Gopalkrishnan, Narayan |
The report of a project which explored barriers faced by people of culturally diverse backgrounds in dealing with government, as well as successes, and identified key areas to be addressed for improvement. |
Format: pdf | Size: 329 KB | Length: 27 pages | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Domestic violence in immigrant communities
Easteal, Patricia |
The author of the 1996 book Domestic violence and the overseas-born, criminologist Patricia Easteal, tells of her findings from interviewing survivors and analysing data, and summarises her recommendations for dealing with the problem. |
Format: pdf | Size: 302K | Length: 5 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Don’t settle for less
Review of Migrant and Multicultural Programs and Services |
A summary of the 1986 Report of the Review of Migrant and Multicultural Programs and Services chaired by Dr. James Jupp, which through its recommendations on services and on the establishment of a new body to monitor progress in the participation of immigrants in Australian life, puts a strong focus on access and equity issues. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Eastern Orthodox in Australia
Godley, Stephen and Hughes, Philip J. |
This excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research tells the history of Eastern Orthodoxy in Australia and of the various migrant groups which have set up branches of the church here. |
Format: pdf | Size: 221K | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Equal Disappointment Opportunity?: Executive Summary
Cummings, Karen; Gibbings, Beth; Jakubowicz, Andrew and Meekosha, Helen |
Executive summary of this 1987 report, which examines issues of access for migrants to services of the federal Department of Community Services and finds some of the problems with these programs lie with the department itself. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Equal Disappointment Opportunity?: Summary of Recommendations
Cummings, Karen; Gibbings, Beth; Jakubowicz, Andrew and Meekosha, Helen |
Recommendations of this 1987 report, proposing improvements to programs of the federal Department of Community Services for immigrants and their children, and to the way they are run. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Evaluation of Post Arrival Programs and Services – Summary
Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs |
An evaluation in 1982 by the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs of the implementation of the Galbally Report three years after it came out finds much to praise, but also points out failings and recommends ways of overcoming them. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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First Annual Report 1979-1980 – AIMA
Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs |
The Introduction to the First Annual Report, 1979-1980, of the Institute of Multicultural Affairs outlines the legislation establishing the Institute and summarises the activities of the first year in setting up the body according to that legislation. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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First Report on the progress and assimilation of migrant children in Australia
Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council |
A 1960 study by a special committee of the Immigration Advisory Council examines the adaptation of migrant children to Australia, through their progress in education, language skills, social skills, and so on, and finds that generally they do well. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Future Directions for Multiculturalism
Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs |
Excerpts from the Final Report of the Council of the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs in 1986, which express concern over a change of direction in government strategy and offer recommendations for future policies on multiculturalism. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Giving praise where praise is due: Australian Arabic Council Media Awards 1995
Cass, Naomi |
A report on the launch in 1995 of the Australian Arabic Council’s media awards, at which chairperson Roland Jabbour speaks of stereotyping in the media - such as the growth of what he calls “Arabphobia” - and its role in shaping racist attitudes. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Globalisation: Perceptions and Threats to National Government in Australia
Worthington, Glenn |
This paper considers the challenges that globalisation poses to national interests, security and identity and surveys possible responses to these concerns. |
Format: pdf | Size: 284 Kb | Length: 17 pages | Date Added: 22 November 2004 | |
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Guidelines on Policies and Procedures in dealing with Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum
Prepared by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva |
Format: pdf | Size: 284 Kb | Length: 21 pages | Date Added: 22 April 2004 | |
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Illawarra Migrant Resource Centre (Annual Report)
Facci, Franca |
The chairperson of the centre, Franca Facci, reviews changes in the organisation and the issues it addressed over the preceding year, in the centre’s 1995 Annual Report. |
Format: pdf | Size: 213K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Immigrant Families: A Statistical Profile
Bureau of Immigration and Population Research |
The summary of findings of a 1994 report profiling the family situation of the overseas-born, including aspects like living arrangements and economic characteristics. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Immigrant Workers and Trade Unions
Bertone, Santina and Griffin, Gerard |
The executive summary of this 1992 report, which finds that in terms of members’ relationships with trade unions, there is little difference between NESB and other workers, but that unions could improve the way they deal with issues affecting their migrant members. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Immigration - A Commitment to Australia: Executive Summary
Committee to Advise on Australia’s Immigration Policies |
The executive summary of this 1988 report, also known as the FitzGerald Report, after the committee’s chairman Dr. Stephen FitzGerald. It argues for increased migration, but with a tighter economic focus, and queries the public understanding and acceptance of the idea of multiculturalism. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Immigration - A Commitment to Australia: Recommendations
Committee to Advise on Australia’s Immigration Policies |
The 73 recommendations of the 1988 FitzGerald Report, covering changes to immigration policy and planning - they call on the government to reaffirm its commitment to non-discriminatory policies, and to base them on Australia’s national interest. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Implementing multiculturalism
Multicultural Affairs Queensland, Department of Premier and Cabinet |
A state government report reviewing achievements in applying multicultural policy in government agencies and pointing to further ways to improve. |
Format: pdf | Size: 1 MB | Length: 44 pages | Date Added: 01 May 2006 | |
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Inquiry into the departure of settlers from Australia
Immigration Advisory Council, Committee on Social Patterns |
This 1973 report looks at the rate, pattern, and causes of departure of settlers and recommends ways the government can improve services to migrants to slow the rate of departures. |
Format: pdf | Size: 291K | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Inquiry into the Progress Towards National Reconciliation
Parliament of Australia: Senate |
The Senate refers the matter of National Reconciliation to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References committee for inquiry. |
Format: pdf | Size: 48 kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 27 February 2004 | |
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Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Format: doc | Size: 33 Kb | Length: | Date Added: 26 February 2004 | |
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Isma - Listen
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) |
Documents resulting from community consultations carried out by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 2003 on ways to eliminate prejudice against Arab and Muslim Australians. |
Format: pdf | Size: 679 KB | Length: 32 pages | Date Added: 08 March 2006 | |
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Isma - Listen: National consultations on eliminating prejudice against Arab and Muslim Australians
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) |
A consultation hosted by the Islamic Council of NSW, Lakemba, 10 June 2003. |
Format: pdf | Size: 336 KB | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 22 November 2004 | |
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Lutherans in Australia
Hughes, Philip J. and Schild, Maurice E. |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research on Lutheranism in Australia, which tells of the difficulties facing this shrinking community. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Migrant Services and Programs - Summary
Review of Post Arrival Programs and Services for Migrants |
A summary of the themes and recommendations of this 1978 report, also known as the Galbally Report, which focussed on ways of helping migrants settle into Australian life, of maintaining their cultures, and of ensuring they had the same rights and access to services as other Australians. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Migrant Services and Programs - Terms of Reference
Review of Post Arrival Programs and Services for Migrants |
The Terms of Reference for this Review, which produced the report Migrant Services and Programs in 1978, also known as the Galbally Report, for its chairman Frank Galbally. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Migrant Services and Programs – Migrant Resource Centres
Review of Post Arrival Programs and Services for Migrants |
An excerpt from the 1978 Galbally Report sets out the part to be played by the centres, as part of its overall proposals to improve services for migrants. |
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Migrant women, marginality and public policy
Alcorso, Caroline |
In this 1995 article, Coordinator of the NSW Working Women’s Centre, Caroline Alcorso, discusses why developments in industrial relations policy have done little to advance the working conditions of non-English speaking background women. |
Format: pdf | Size: 224K | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Multicultural Australia - the Next Steps: Towards and Beyond 2000
National Multicultural Advisory Council |
The Preface and Summary of Recommendations of this 1995 review of the 1989 National Agenda, which evaluates progress in implementing the Agenda and makes recommendations on what still needs to be done as Australia approaches the 21st century. |
Format: pdf | Size: 333K | Length: 10 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Multicultural Australia: the way forward
National Multicultural Advisory Council |
A discussion paper issued in late 1997, calling for submissions towards a report to be prepared by the Council, to advise the government on a policy on cultural diversity for the next decade. |
Format: pdf | Size: 490K | Length: 13 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Multicultural Victoria Inquiry Report
Victorian Ethnic Affairs Commission |
The report of a 1995 inquiry into the adequacy and appropriateness of state government services to non-English speaking background Victorians and recommendations for improving those services. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Multiculturalism for all Australians
Australian Council on Population and Ethnic Affairs |
A 1982 report by the Ethnic Affairs Task Force of the Council, under the Chairmanship of Jerzy Zubrzycki, which sets out what it calls a “charter for our developing Australian nationhood,” emphasising that multiculturalism must be understood to apply to all, not just to ethnic groups. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Muslim Youth in Australia
Australian Multicultural Foundation |
A 2005 Forum for young Muslim Australians identifies critical issues of widespread alienation and also their desire to contribute to Australian society. |
Format: pdf | Size: 100 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 06 July 2006 | |
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National Consultations on Multiculturalism and Citizenship
Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs |
A report on the results of public consultations across the country in 1982 on questions of multiculturalism and Australian citizenship, which according to the main author, Jerzy Zubrzycki, found widespread support for multiculturalism, though some continuing opposition. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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National Inquiry into Racist Violence: Summary
Race Discrimination Commissioner |
A summary of this 1991 report, which finds that the incidence of racist violence in Australia is a serious problem, and recommends major reforms to deal with it. |
Format: pdf | Size: 243K | Length: 6 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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National Policy on Languages
Lo Bianco, Joseph |
Excerpts of the 1987 report which provided the basis for the National Language Policy; it underscores the need for a good knowledge of English and for all students to study at least one other language, and points out the social and economic benefits of language skills for Australia. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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New and Emerging Communities in Queensland
Multicultural Affairs Queensland, Department of Premier and Cabinet |
A Queensland government report that identifies newly arrived, small communities of migrants, and looks at needs that might be overlooked. |
Format: pdf | Size: 616 KB | Length: 83 pages | Date Added: 01 March 2006 | |
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Newly arrived immigrant women in the work force
Alcorso, Caroline |
A section of this 1989 report which reviews the literature - academic, community-based, and government - about migrant working women in the 1970s and 80s. |
Format: pdf | Size: 405K | Length: 10 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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Nextdoor Neighbours
Coupe, Bronwyn; Jakubowicz, Andrew and Randall, Lois |
Segments of a 1992 report canvassing the experiences of ethnic Australians as audiences of mass media, which finds the media are not seen to be accurately reflecting Australian society and recommends ways of ensuring the media are more representative. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Participation: Report to the Premier 1978
Ethnic Affairs Commission of New South Wales |
The main recommendations of a report that looked into multiculturalism in every aspect of life in New South Wales, and led to the establishment of Australia’s first Ethnic Affairs Commission in 1979. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Performing Artists - “We are Here, We are Visible”
Messariti, Anna |
The Conclusion of the fourth volume of the 1994 report Access to Excellence: A Review of Issues Affecting Artists and Arts from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds, examining the situation of performing artists and the obstacles to their recognition. |
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Poverty in Australia
Henderson, Ronald |
This section of a 1975 report of the Commission of Inquiry into Poverty looks at the situation of migrants in terms of housing, employment opportunities, language problems, and social welfare needs; reviews existing services and organisations; and recommends improvements. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 31 March 2002 | |
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Presbyterians in Australia
Burke, David and Hughes, Philip J. |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research on Presbyterianism, which examines the struggle for a new identity by a church that has recently seen big changes and drops in numbers. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Queensland racism: a graphical analysis
Dunn, Kevin and Forrest, Jim |
Attitudes towards cultural diversity in different parts of the state are mapped and analysed, based on information from a 2001 survey. |
Format: pdf | Size: 159 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 08 March 2006 | |
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United Nations Economic and Social
Council |
Report by Mr. Maurice Glèlè-Ahanhanzo, Special Rapporteur on
contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia
and related intolerance, submitted pursuant to Commission on
Human Rights resolution 2001/5. |
Format: pdf | Size: 358 Kb | Length: 64 pages | Date Added: 20 April 2004 | |
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Refugee policy: Is there a way out of this mess?
Sidoti, Chris |
A paper presented by Chris Sidoti, the National Spokesperson,
Human Rights Council of Australia, at the
Racial Respect Seminar, Canberra 21 February 2002 |
Format: pdf | Size: 31 Kb | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 21 April 2004 | |
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Religion, Cultural Diversity and Safeguarding Australia
Australian Multicultural Foundation |
This ground-breaking report shows how the AMF saw many of the most difficult issues of today, and prepared for them - here a report from how Australian communities are dealing with religious diversity. |
Format: pdf | Size: 42 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 05 July 2006 | |
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Report by the Committee of Review of the Special Broadcasting Service
Committee of Review of the Special Broadcasting Service |
The terms of reference, synopsis, and summary of recommendations of a comprehensive review in 1984 of every aspect of SBS - Serving Multicultural Australia - the Role of Broadcasting. |
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Report of the Committee of Review of AIMA
Committee of Review of the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs |
Excerpts from this 1983 report, including its terms of reference, its membership, and a summary of its main recommendations, among them that AIMA be replaced by a new body, and suggestions for the new body’s structure and functions. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Report on the National Inquiry into Racist Violence
Race Discrimination Commissioner |
The preface and list of findings and recommendations of this 1991 report which the Commission hails as the most comprehensive exposition of the incidence of racist violence, intimidation and harassment ever undertaken in Australia. |
Format: pdf | Size: 303K | Length: 6 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Report on the Research Conducted in the Development of a Women from NESB Community Education Program
Office of Women’s Affairs, Northern Territory Government |
Segments of this 1996 report, detailing how the Northern Territory’s Office of Women’s Affairs went about devising an information campaign on domestic violence for NESB women. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 30 March 2002 | |
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Social and Economic Effect of Increase in Number of Aliens in North Queensland
Alien Immigration Commission |
A 1925 government report which expresses fears about non-English-speaking immigrants, and recommends caution in choosing who should be accepted, and measures for those already in the state. |
Format: pdf | Size: 3.1 MB | Length: 28 pages | Date Added: 20 February 2006 | |
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State of the Nation: Employment
Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner |
The chapter on employment in this 1995 report by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, which concludes that labour market outcomes for immigrants of non-English speaking background are still inferior to those for other Australians and that racial discrimination contributes to this situation. |
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THE DIGITAL AGE: The Australian Digital TV Experience
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) |
Nigel Malan, the managing director of SBS presents a paper on Digital TV to ABU General Assembly, Istanbul. Read an edited version of the paper to get the scope of the interaction of multiculturalism and technology in TV. Free to Air TV in digital technology is available by the end of 2003 to all metropolitan centres excluding
Canberra and 13 regional centres around Australia |
Format: pdf | Size: 140 kb | Length: 6 pages | Date Added: 01 March 2004 | |
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The Law of the Sea and the MV Tampa incident: Location, Location, Location !
Rothwell, Donald |
Powerpoint Presentation by Associate Professor Donald R. Rothwell,
Faculty of Law, University of Sydney |
Format: ppt | Size: 1.37 Mb | Length: 11 slides | Date Added: 22 April 2004 | |
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U.S. Committee for Refugees, Country Report: Australia
U.S. Committee for Refugees (USCR) |
U.S. Committee for Refugees, Country Report: Australia. Information and figures for refugees in Australia. From refugees.org. |
Format: pdf | Size: 55 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 23 November 2004 | |
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UN report on racial discrimination
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Read the UN report on Australia's record on racial discrimination |
Format: pdf | Size: 360 KB | Length: 64 Pages | Date Added: 03 March 2009 | |
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Uniting Church of Australia
Benley, Peter and Hughes, Philip J. |
An excerpt from a 1996 report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research on the Uniting Church, its involvement in social issues and its declining numbers. |
Format: pdf | Size: 205K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Vietnamese in Australia: a generation of settlement and adaptation
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
This paper explores processes of cultural collision and reconstitution through an examination of four dimensions of the Vietnamese in Australia - the criminal world of the heroin trade; the position of Vietnamese women in the economy of the clothing industry; the rise and fall of criminal and politician Phuong Ngo; and the celebration of Generation 2. |
Format: doc | Size: 138 Kb | Length: 18 pages | Date Added: 12 May 2004 | |
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Volunteers and the community
Australian Multicultural Foundation |
Communities depend on volunteers to meet many social needs - and here are strategies for mainstream organisations to involve ethnic communities, and ethnic communities to build their own capacities. |
Format: pdf | Size: 160 KB | Length: 6 pages | Date Added: 05 July 2006 | |
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White Alien Immigration Report, 1944
Sub-committee on White Alien Immigration |
Extracts from this report of 21 September 1944, which put the case for expanding the immigration intake to the countries of southern and eastern Europe, from Jerzy Zubrzycki’s Arthur Calwell and the Origin of Post-War Immigration. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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"Outside the Gum Tree" - the visual arts in multicultural Australia
Andreoni, Helen |
Segments of this 1992 report put out by the National Association for the examining the experiences, difficulties and practices of overseas-born visual artists of non-English speaking background. |
Format: pdf | Size: 404K | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 27 March 2002 | |
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