Aims of the Migration Museum, Adelaide
Migration Museum |
The aims of Adelaide’s Migration Museum - the first museum in Australia completely dedicated to telling the story of the migrants to this country - in its multiple roles as collector, exhibitor, and educator in the area of migration and multiculturalism. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
United Nations |
The terms of this United Nations international convention, which came into force in January 1969, and which Australia signed in 1966, and ratified in September 1975. |
Format: pdf | Size: 334K | Length: 10 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: Signatories
United Nations |
The list of signatory countries, their dates of signing and ratification, and reservations they expressed (including by Australia) on this United Nations international convention, which came into force in 1969. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia
National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia |
A description of the work and the mandate of the National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia, founded in 1990. |
Format: pdf | Size: 149K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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NSW Charter of Principles for a Culturally Diverse Society
Ethnic Affairs Commission of New South Wales |
The NSW Charter of Principles for a Culturally Diverse Society and the sequence of events leading up to the State government in 1997 enshrining the four principles into law. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Reconciliation Australia: Aims
Reconciliation Australia |
Read the aims of Reconciliation Australia |
Format: pdf | Size: 27 kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 27 February 2004 | |
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Reconciliation Australia: Taking Reconciliation Forward
Reconciliation Australia |
A statement from the Directors of the Board of Reconciliation Australia |
Format: pdf | Size: 476 kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 27 February 2004 | |
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Special Broadcasting Service Act, 1991 - The Charter
Commonwealth of Australia |
The SBS Charter, drawn up as part of the Special Broadcasting Service Act of 1991 which established SBS as a Corporation, sets out what is required of the network as a national broadcaster. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations |
The 30 articles of this landmark United Nations declaration, adopted by the General Assembly in 1948. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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