2002 Bali Terrorist Bombing - Wikipedia
Wikipedia |
This article on the 2002 Bali bombing is published at wikipedia.org. |
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A Question of Rights
Aroney, Manuel |
Amid indications of the possible demise of the Human Rights Commission as part of the 1986 Federal Budget process, the commissioner Manuel Aroney argues the importance of preserving the organisation, saying the money saved would be very little, but the social cost would be great. |
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Dunne, Clare |
AIMA Council member Clare Dunne deplores the government decision in the 1986 Budget to shut down the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs, especially in view of the uncertainty surrounding its proposed replacement. |
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Arabs and Muslims in Victoria
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Read the Victorian government keynote articles on Arabs and Muslims in Victoria |
Format: pdf | Size: 576 KB | Length: 17 Pages | Date Added: 10 March 2009 | |
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Army out as Migrants Threaten Riot
Sydney Morning Herald |
A clipping from the Sydney Morning Herald of 19 July 1952 tells of trouble brewing at the Bonegilla reception camp as migrants lose patience with delays in finding them work. |
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Arts - Cultural Maintenance?
Panucci, Frank |
The Deputy Executive Officer of the Cultural Community Development Unit of the Australia Council in 1995 writes about the evolution of the Council’s multicultural arts policy, in particular its shift from the aim of cultural maintenance to seeing diversity as central to Australia’s cultural product and representations. |
Format: pdf | Size: 215K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Arts and cultural diversity in Victoria
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
The Festival of All nations provided the artistic dimension of the political thrust towards multiculturalism. By 2010 the Fringe was mainstream, as Candy Bowers shows. |
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Aspects of Australian Multiculturalism - achievements, disappointments, prospects
Hawthorne, Lesleyanne |
A 1996 article backing calls for the adoption of a conscious strategy to rethink citizenship, including major reforms to public processes, to create a genuinely “multicultural citizenship.” |
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Australian Refugee Policy: Myths and Realities
Maley, William |
An article from Social Alternatives Vol. 21 No.4, Spring 2002 |
Format: pdf | Size: 204 Kb | Length: 6 pages | Date Added: 21 April 2004 | |
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BBC News: America's day of terror
Timeline of September 11th, 2001. Published on the BBC news website. The website contains links to streaming video of some of the day's events. |
Format: pdf | Size: 251 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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BBC News: Major attacks blamed on al-Qaeda
Since the attacks in the US on 11 September 2001, the world has seen a wave of bombings which have been blamed on or linked to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.
This article is published on the BBC News website. |
Format: pdf | Size: 120 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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BBC News: Who is a terrorist?
Report by Allan Little from the BBC news website. |
Format: pdf | Size: 613 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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Brave New World
Chan, Angela |
On the 20th anniversary of the NSW Ethnic Communities’ Council in 1995, its chairperson Angela Chan identifies the need for a Multiculturalism Act, the importance of reconciliation with Aboriginal Australians, and the debate over a Republic as among the major issues for the next millennium. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Chinese Invasion of Australia
Bulletin magazine |
An editorial from the Bulletin magazine of September 1, 1886 demonstrates the ignorance and prejudices of the day towards Chinese migrants. |
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Chinese people and political change in Australia
Fong, King |
King Fong speaks on Chinese people and political change in Australia from Teaching Heritage
Format: doc | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 17 July 2002 | |
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Citizenship and Republicanism in a Multicultural Nation
Jayasuriya, Laksiri |
This 1993 paper says that with constitutional change likely as the country debates republicanism, it is important to incorporate the pluralism of society within the whole spectrum of institutions, including the concept of citizenship. |
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Closing the Gap from Policy to Practice
Bowen, Chris |
The Director of the Brisbane Ethnic Music and Arts Centre in 1995 deplores the gap between policy on the arts and reality, and calls for more non-English speaking background representation in the large arts organisations as one way of dealing with this situation as it affects artists from culturally diverse backgrounds. |
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Constitutional issues associated with integration: the question of citizenship
Rubenstein, Kim |
This 1994 article looks into a number of issues surrounding the regulations on citizenship in Australia, and examines how the concept of citizenship links with notions of nationhood, inclusion and integration. |
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Cyber-racism: Racial Hatred on the Internet
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) |
HEREOC considers issues of cyber-racism through racial vilification legislation together with internet regulation regimes. Read some legal cases and also a presentation on cyber-racism by Dr Jonas |
Format: pdf | Size: 53 kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 01 March 2004 | |
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Deportations after Federation
Moore, Clive |
Clive Moore writes about efforts to prevent the mass deportations of South Sea Islanders in the wake of the 1901 restrictive legislation. |
Format: pdf | Size: 84 KB | Length: 13 pages | Date Added: 20 February 2006 | |
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Dynamics of Multiculturalism in Australia
Birrell, Robert |
This 1995 paper argues that early immigration programs in Australia laid the foundation for an ethnic movement which has since shaped government cultural and immigration policies. |
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Effects of Immigration on Australia: the Research Consensus as at May 1996
Williams, Lynne S. |
This 1996 article discusses the key effects of immigration on Australia including aspects such as: economic, labour market, social, infrastructure, population growth and environment. |
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Equal Disappointment Opportunity
Schwab, Pete |
1988 article from Newswit, the New South Wales Institute of Technology student newspaper, about the alleged suppression of this report into the failings of federal Department of Community Services programs for immigrants and their children. |
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ESL - A Major Equity Program
Alcorso, Caroline and Brennan, John |
On the eve of the 1986/87 federal Budget, this article examines the crucial role of the English as a Second Language program in New South Wales schools, and the difficulties the State government would face in funding it if the Commonwealth went ahead with cuts. |
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Ethnic conflict and the Australian media
Jakubowicz, Andrew and Seneviratne, Kalinga |
Excerpts of this 1996 paper, which examines how the various media cover stories involving ethnic or racial conflict and finds numerous shortcomings due to a range of factors, from media ownership, to lack of representation of minorities, to poor complaint handling procedures. |
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Ethnic Editorials - a selection of opinion
Infocus |
A compilation by the NSW Ethnic Communities’ Council’s magazine Infocus of opinion in the ethnic media in late 1996 in response to the Hanson debate, with most expressing serious concern over the resurgence of racism and calling for more leadership from the Prime Minister. |
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Face the Facts: Website Introduction
Jonas, William |
Dr Bill Jonas the Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner says that in 2003 race and racism are still burning issues in Australian society. The furore over refugees, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudices abound and need to be addressed.
Read Face the Facts at the HREOC website to debunk some of the myths |
Format: pdf | Size: 30 Kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 01 March 2004 | |
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Fear and Loathing in Ipswich: Exploring Mainstream and Anabranch in the Race Debate
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
This 1996 article examines the racism debate surrounding Pauline Hanson as part of a shift in “mainstream” values in Australian society, underway since the 1996 election of the Howard government, and the media role in interpreting and influencing the debate. |
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Federal Budget 1986/87 Implications for Ethnic Affairs
Ethnos magazine |
An analysis of the 1986 Federal Budget in Ethnos, the magazine of the NSW Ethnic Affairs Commission, concludes that the federal commitment to multiculturalism is vanishing, with the Budget marking the end of the government’s support for multicultural programs and services. |
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Globalisation from above and below
Gopalkrishnan, Narayan |
Narayan Gopalkrishnan examines the impacts of economic globalisation, especially the increasing numbers of global poor it has produced, and puts forward some possible responses to this at the community level. |
Format: pdf | Size: 120 KB | Length: 9 pages | Date Added: 14 March 2006 | |
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Government attacks nation’s public culture
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
This article from late 1996 says the Howard government has halted implementation of any multicultural agenda for the arts and asks are “multicultural arts to disappear under new regime?” |
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Growing Grassroots
Kerkyasharian, Stepan |
Chairperson of the Ethnic Affairs Commission of NSW Stepan Kerkyasharian pays tribute to the role of the ECC of NSW, on its 20th anniversary in 1995, in creating a government- community partnership in ethnic affairs. |
Format: pdf | Size: 2218K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Harnessing Ethnic Power
Wojak, George |
Former chairperson of both the ECC of NSW and FECCA, George Wojak writes in 1995 that the Council demonstrates how people can maintain their differences and yet not only join together in causes and issues, but also show the way for others. |
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Headlines about SBS
Various newspapers |
A sampling of the type of news coverage SBS has attracted over the years, especially at key moments, such as the controversies over the proposed amalgamation with the ABC, and the introduction of sponsorship and advertising. |
Format: pdf | Size: 159K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Hindus and Sikhs in Australia
BIMPR Bulletin |
A 1996 article in the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research Bulletin, describing a new publication in its religious community profiles series, which outlines the composition and beliefs of the Hindu and Sikh communities. |
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Immigrant families and change
Khoo, Siew-Ean |
This 1994 article looks at issues surrounding families and the migration process, including family sponsorship patterns, the family as the migrating unit, and changes in family structure resulting from migration. |
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Incitement to Racial Hatred: Issues and Analysis
Pettman, Ralph |
A 1982 paper analysing the arguments over controlling incitement to racial hatred, examples of how other countries have dealt with it, and suggestions for measures that could be taken in Australia. |
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Inside SBS – A picture of the Outside
Spigelman, Guy |
This article examines the way SBS radio covered the racism debate in late 1996 and finds a variety of responses among the different language groups broadcasting on the network. |
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Intermarriage in Australia
Penny, Janet |
An article outlining the results of a 1996 report called Intermarriage - A Study of Migration and Integration in Australia, which looked into the motives, experiences, and implications of intermarriage. |
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It's Not the Thought That Counts
Bertelli, Lidio |
Journalist and community activist Lidio Bertelli in 1979 summarises the literature on migration and ethnic relations written in the decade or so preceding the Galbally Report, with the aim of providing background for the report, and to help in an understanding of the issues covered by it. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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Liberals misunderstand Australian society
MacPhee, Ian |
In this 1993 article, former Immigration Minister Ian MacPhee regrets what he sees as the Liberal Party’s abandonment of its former approach to multiculturalism and says this lack of understanding of Australia’s multicultural identity will keep the party out of office. |
Format: pdf | Size: 163K | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Liberals misunderstand Australian society
MacPhee, Ian |
In this 1993 article, former Immigration Minister Ian MacPhee regrets what he sees as the Liberal Party’s abandonment of its former approach to multiculturalism and says this lack of understanding of Australia’s multicultural identity will keep the party out of office. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Living in a material world
Abdel-Fattah, Randa |
Randa Abdel-Fattah writes about what it means to be an Australian Muslim today, in the face of discrimination based on misunderstood perceptions about extremism. |
Format: pdf | Size: 180 KB | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 15 March 2006 | |
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Making language policy: Australia’s experience
Lo Bianco, Joseph |
The author of the report which became the foundation of the National Policy on Languages gives an account in 1990 of the development of the policy and of some of the social processes involved in producing it. |
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Making Multiculturalism Work
Tzannes, Ross |
On the 20th anniversary of the ECC of NSW in 1995, former chairperson Ross Tzannes hails multiculturalism as the basis for Australia’s national cohesion, but says there is still a crucial need for acceptance that the policy applies to all Australians. |
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Making Terror, Breaking Terror
Extract from BBC series on terrorism and terror groups.
Format: pdf | Size: 144 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 18 November 2004 | |
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Misunderstanding, misinformation shroud report: author
Migration Magazine |
An article on the views of one of the authors of the 1988 FitzGerald Report, Tony Bonnici, who attacks the negative response to it by some in the ethnic communities. |
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Multiculturalism Betrayed
Shergold, Peter and Wojak, George |
This editorial from Ethnic Spotlight, the newsletter of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, condemns the 1986 Federal Budget cuts to multicultural programs, saying the responsibility for building a multicultural Australia has been shifted to organisations such as FECCA. |
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Multiculturalism in Australia
Jayasuriya, Laksiri |
n this 1985 article, Western Australian sociologist Prof. Laksiri Jayasuriya explores the philosophy and rationale of multiculturalism and underlying social policies. |
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Multiculturalism: A Flawed Solution to Ethnic Diversity
Birrell, Robert |
This 1994 article argues that multiculturalism as a way of helping migrants gain acceptance is no longer needed, and that on the contrary, the policy now has negative outcomes in keeping ethnic groups apart. |
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Multiculturalism: A look at research in the future
Jupp, James |
An article by Prof. James Jupp of ANU’s Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies in 1995, examining the role of the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research (BIMPR) from its inception in 1989, and the changing research requirements in the field of immigration and multicultural studies. |
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Multiculturalism: Australia’s Unique Achievement
Fraser, Malcolm |
In this inaugural speech to the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs in 1981, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser reviews the history and benefits of immigration, and says building on these achievements can help realise the full extent of multiculturalism’s advantages. |
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Multiple Ethnicity Disorders: Demidenko and the cult of ethnicity
Hatzimanolis, Efi |
A 1996 article examining stereotypes of ethnicity and ethnic writing, particularly in the context of the Helen Demidenko affair and the glowing reception her work received before her identity as Helen Darville was revealed. |
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Muses magazine
Tardent, Henry and Various authors |
Selected pages from Muses magazine, a publication launched in 1927 as a “review of the musical, artistic, literary and intellectual life of Queensland”. |
Format: pdf | Size: 2.4 MB | Length: 12 pages | Date Added: 20 February 2006 | |
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Music - Food for the Soul
Singh, Dya |
The leader of the Dya Singh World Music group writes in 1996 of the different cultural influences in his music, and of his work with musicians from other traditions to produce music which retains traditional authenticity yet provides a global feel. |
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Newspaper clippings, 1948
Sydney Morning Herald |
Quotes from the Sydney Morning Herald in 1948 reflect the debate on immigration: it was needed as long as it didn’t threaten working conditions or bring in a “foreign outlook" |
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Open Season on Muslims in the newest phobia
Manne, Robert |
One of the most significant ways the world has changed since the terrible crime of 9/11 has been the rise of Islamophobia in the Western world. |
Format: pdf | Size: 68 KB | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 22 November 2004 | |
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Our Sanitised Multiculturalism
Hall, Jaslyn |
Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald on the eve of the 1995 Global Cultural Diversity Conference, broadcaster Jaslyn Hall deplores the unrepresentative nature of the Australian electronic media, though she lists some signs which indicate change is slowly afoot. |
Format: pdf | Size: 225K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Performing Australian Ethnicity: 'Helen Demidenko'
Gunew, Sneja |
The positioning of minority cultures is symptomatic of the paradox at the heart of national cultures. Do they 'belong' in terms of assimilation and appropriation or do they constitute the exclusionary framework of 'foreign bodies' which both encloses and defines a national culture? |
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Political Pathfinder
Samios, Jim |
NSW Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs Jim Samios writes in 1995 of the role of the ECC of NSW over the two decades from its foundation, as a pathfinder in leading the way on progressive multicultural policies. |
Format: pdf | Size: 211K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Premier and the Pariah
Bulletin magazine |
Part of an editorial from The Bulletin magazine of May 26, 1888 which backs restricting the Chinese in Australia, but criticises the government of NSW Premier, Sir Henry Parkes, over what it considers blunders in the way it has gone about deciding its policy in the matter. |
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Qualifications recognition for skilled NESB women
Hawthorne, Lesleyanne |
This 1996 article looks into the reasons why female migrants have even more difficulty than their male counterparts in getting their overseas qualifications assessed and recognised, and canvasses what some of the responses to try to remedy this have been. |
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Race And Debate
Blainey, Geoffrey |
In this 1994 article, historian Geoffrey Blainey regrets the lack of debate on immigration, criticising those he believes limit such discussion, and questioning their perception of what constitutes racism. |
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Racism, Multiculturalism and the Immigration Debate
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
In this 1985 bibliographic essay, sociologist Andrew Jakubowicz surveys the debate over the years multiculturalism came to prominence as a social program, and looks at how in the mid ‘80s anti-immigration views and economic factors have become increasingly linked |
Format: pdf | Size: 344K | Length: 11 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Raising the issue of race
Antonios, Zita |
On the 20th anniversary of both the ECC of NSW and the Racial Discrimination Act, Race Discrimination Commissioner Zita Antonios reviews the passage of the Act in 1975 and its application since, but says there is still much to achieve to eliminate racism in Australia. |
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Recognising Indigenous Rights
O’Donoghue, Lois |
The Chairperson of ATSIC writes in 1995 that Australia is increasingly acknowledging the rights of its original inhabitants. |
Format: pdf | Size: 210K | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Reflections of Australia
Long, Malcolm |
In 1995, the Managing Director of SBS, Malcolm Long, writes in the NSW Ethnic Communities’ Council magazine Infocus of the achievements of the multicultural broadcaster. |
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Robert De Niro's Waiting
Marinos, Lex |
Actor Lex Marinos writes in 1995 about the obstacles that Australians of non-English speaking background face in the film, television and theatre industries, and speculates that an actor like Robert De Niro would have had an uphill battle for recognition had his family immigrated to Australia instead of the US. |
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SBS: The World News on the web
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) |
SBS TV broadcasts news bulletins from 19 countries in 18 languages. Click here to see their latest TV bulletin transcript |
Format: pdf | Size: 288 Kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 24 March 2004 | |
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Soap Opera in a Multicultural Australia: Home and Away v Heartbreak High
Hawthorne, Lesleyanne |
This 1995 article looks at the general failure of soap operas on Australian television to reflect the diversity of Australian society and questions what kind of message this sends to young viewers. |
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Special Broadcasting Service in the Banana Republic - Quo Vadis?
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Sociologist Andrew Jakubowicz argues that there is little saving to be made from amalgamating SBS and the ABC, saying the proposal in the 1986 Federal Budget represents a cynical political exercise which would constitute a great loss. |
Format: pdf | Size: 226K | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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State and Federal support for Major ethnic initiatives
Ethnic Newsweek |
An item in the magazine Ethnic Newsweek announces that the first National Conference of a Federal Ethnic Communities’ Council is to take place in Sydney over three days in July 1979. |
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State, Multiculturalism and Ethnic Leadership in Australia
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Sociologist Prof. Andrew Jakubowicz outlines in this 1995 paper the evolution of ethnic political practice in Australia and the changes it will continue to undergo because of political events in other parts of the world and global trends to greater movements of people. |
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Taiwanese community
Ip, David |
David Ip explores the settlement difficulties of immigrants from Taiwan over the 1990s and makes comparisons with those arriving from Mainland China and Hong Kong. |
Format: pdf | Size: 432 KB | Length: 21 pages | Date Added: 06 March 2006 | |
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That Was The Week That Was
Shergold, Peter |
The editor of Ethnic Spotlight, the newsletter of FECCA, catalogues the decisions in the 1986 Budget affecting multiculturalism, arguing they amount to an abandonment of the policy by the Federal Government. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 29 March 2002 | |
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The Age Dec 3 1938
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Read The Age reporting a 1938 campaign by Aboriginal Victorians to petition the Nazi consul in defence of Germany's Jews. Credit: With permission Melbourne Holocaust Museum |
Format: jpg | Size: 56 KB | Length: 550 x 366 | Date Added: 22 April 2009 | |
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The Argus Dec 7 1937
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Read The Argus reporting a 1938 campaign by Aboriginal Victorians to petition the Nazi consul in defence of Germany's Jews. Credit: With permission Melbourne Holocaust Museum |
Format: jpg | Size: 36 KB | Length: 321 x 400 | Date Added: 06 February 2009 | |
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The challenges of religious diversity
Australian Multicultural Foundation |
AMF Chair Sir James Gobbo reflects on the relationships between the Abrahamic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in this 2004 talk. |
Format: pdf | Size: 240 KB | Length: 19 pages | Date Added: 05 July 2006 | |
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The End of Multiculturalism? or... From Margins to the Centre
Castles, Stephen; Cope, Bill; Kalantzis, Mary and Totaro, Paolo |
Two views on the “mainstreaming” of services to migrants in light of the cuts in the 1986 Budget, both criticising the Federal Government’s application of the policy, though Paolo Totaro of the NSW Ethnic Affairs Commission says it can work effectively for migrants, and has done so in his state. |
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The Greek in me
Maniaty, Tony |
Tony Maniaty ponders his changing perceptions over the years of his identity as the son of a Greek migrant to Queensland. |
Format: pdf | Size: 227 KB | Length: 14 pages | Date Added: 24 February 2006 | |
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The Myth of the Ethnic Vote
Economou, Nick |
In this 1996 article, academic Nick Economou argues that while there are clearly issues that particularly affect ethnic Australians, there is little evidence that any ethnic group can sway election outcomes. |
Format: pdf | Size: 234K | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 25 March 2002 | |
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The Portrayal of Muslim Women in the Media
Kaddour, Sarwet |
The views of a 21 year old Muslim woman, "born and raised in the land Down Under". |
Format: doc | Size: 20 Kb | Length: 1 page | Date Added: 21 April 2004 | |
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The rock on which we stand
Jegorow, Bill |
On the 20th anniversary of the ECC of NSW in 1995, founding chairperson Bill Jegorow emphasises the significance of the event and pays tribute to those who made the Council’s creation possible. |
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The state and the welfare of immigrants in Australia
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
This 1989 paper by sociologist Andrew Jakubowicz outlines the development of government policies in response to the flow of immigrants into Australia, with a focus on the welfare system, and within the context of the basic economic contradictions of Australian society. |
Format: pdf | Size: 798K | Length: 28 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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The WEF: Capital’s First International ?
Goodman, James |
Outlines the role played by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It was used by the 'S 11' protest against the forum as a backgrounder. |
Format: doc | Size: 24 Kb | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 20 April 2004 | |
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Turn the map upside down
Ganter, Regina |
Regina Ganter revisions Australia's history from a northern point of view. |
Format: pdf | Size: 193 KB | Length: 9 pages | Date Added: 21 December 2005 | |
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Viva ECC - A National Perspective
Harbaum, Carl |
Honorary President of FECCA and former NSW ECC chairperson, Carl Harbaum, lists the organisations that have been established to serve migrants in the two decades up to 1995, while questioning their achievements. |
Format: pdf | Size: 278K | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 26 March 2002 | |
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Voices of the Past in Anglo Primal Scream
Cochrane, Peter |
This article by historian Peter Cochrane, published in The Australian in response to the 1996 maiden speech of independent MP Pauline Hanson, counters her arguments and places them within a historical context. |
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What does globalisation mean to Australia?
Australian APEC Study Centre |
A summary of pro and anti-globalisation arguments. |
Format: pdf | Size: 52 Kb | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 22 November 2004 | |
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What is racism?
Making Multicultural Australia Project Team |
An article defining racism, in the past and in the present, and how it can influence the behaviour of individuals or groups. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Why Blainey is Wrong
Collins, Jock |
An excerpt from a 1984 article by economist Jock Collins, in which he argues Professor Blainey has not provided evidence to back his views on immigration, and says this comes amid shifting political positions on the issue. |
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Wogs Still Out of Work: Australian Television Comedy as Colonial Discourse
Mitchell, Tony |
This 1992 article says much of the television comedy about migrants confirms negative stereotypes about migrant groups, and explores the changes that occurred when the stage show Wogs out of Work was adapted to fit the requirements of TV and became Acropolis Now. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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Year of the Millionth Migrant
Pix Magazine |
Excerpts from a special issue of Pix magazine on 3 December 1955 marking the arrival of the millionth migrant to Australia and describing some of the success stories involving the post-war newcomers. |
Format: pdf | Size: | Length: | Date Added: 01 April 2002 | |
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