Appreciating Asian-Pacific art
Commonwealth of Australia and Queensland Art Gallery |
Ways to study and look at contemporary Asian-Pacific art, from the Asia-Pacific Triennial Contemporary Art exhibition, held at the Queensland Art Gallery in September 2002. |
Format: pdf | Size: 453 KB | Length: 4 pages | Date Added: 20 March 2006 | |
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Asia-Pacific Contemporary Art
Hall, Doug and Queensland Art Gallery |
Introduction from the director of the Queensland Art Gallery, Doug Hall, to the 2002 Asia-Pacific Triennial Contemporary Art exhibition, which included work from sixteen artists from the region. |
Format: pdf | Size: 112 KB | Length: 2 pages | Date Added: 20 March 2006 | |
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Buddhism in Brisbane
Museum of Brisbane |
A brief history of Buddhism in Brisbane and an explanation of the collection of Buddhas on display in a 2005 Museum of Brisbane exhibition. |
Format: pdf | Size: 415 KB | Length: 3 pages | Date Added: 15 March 2006 | |
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Many meanings of Buddha
Museum of Brisbane |
Messages from those who loaned their Buddhas to the Museum of Brisbane exhibition about what the Buddhas mean to them personally. |
Format: pdf | Size: 533 KB | Length: 41 pages | Date Added: 15 March 2006 | |
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