ABC Learn online
http://abc.net.au/learn/ |
ABC Learn online provides information, curriculum materials, full transcripts and real audio of the ABC's programs of use to education organised by age, subject, and TV/radio. A search by subject, using civics and politics, geography, history, and indigenous issues turns up a wealth of material of use for students of multicultural Australia. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Asia Education Foundation
http://www.asiaeducation.edu.au/index_flash.htm |
DateAdded: 21 August 2002 | |
Australian WebQuests
http://www.occ.act.edu.au/home/itpd/webquests/matrix.htm |
Australian WebQuests contains material from the O'Connell Centre, the staff development section of the ACT Department of Education, Youth & Family Services. There is a list of WebQuests, some of which are of multicultural interest, including A trip to Indonesia and What does it mean to be Australian?. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Blue Webn Library of Educational Websites
http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/ |
Blue Webn is AT&T online library of websites and curriculum materials, searchable by format, grade level, subject area and content areas. It is a vast resource, with many formats of learning materials, including Tom March and Bernie Dodge's continuum of hotlists, subject samplers, and WebQuests etc. Search the human rights content area for materials of interest in the values area of multiculturalism. There is a link to Filamentality, which is an online template to allow people to create their own online units, without the need for web publishing expertise. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Bright Sparcs
http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs |
Bright Sparcs is a comprehensive source of information about Australian scientists, searchable by browsing or entering the scientist's name. If you do not know the name, you can search by type of scientist by following the explore button on the home page which takes you to a fielded search form. Teachers will find the Teacher's Guide useful, particularly the Science and History units of work.
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Department of Education and Training Western Australia
http://www.eddept.wa.edu.au/ |
The Western Australian Department of Education's official website includes information and resources for students, parents, and teachers, as well as Western Australian administration information.
In the educators' area, check out the excellent CMIS Evaluation link, which contains Curriculum Resources and Focus on Fiction. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
EdNA Online: Education Network Australia
http://www.edna.edu.au |
This is Australia's gateway to resources and services for education and training in all sectors. In the school education sector, there are separate sections for students, teachers, principals, and parents, and for Key Learning Areas (KLAs). In KLAs, you can search by KLA for learning materials and lesson plans and units of instruction. A general search under, for example, "multiculturalism" at the home page, is another effective way of searching. It is also the gateway to Oz Projects, the database of Australian online projects. |
DateAdded: 02 August 2002 | |
http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil |
Filamentality is an online template for teachers, enabling them to create web-based units of work without the need for understanding of web authoring software or html coding. Based on Bernie Dodge and Tom March's pedagogy of activity formats ranging from topic hotlist to full WebQuest, Filamentality is an invaluable resource for teachers. Blueweb'n provides an enormous matrix of examples of units of work created using this pedagogy. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Multicultural Kids
http://www.multiculturalkids.com/ |
An American shopping site, Multicultural Kids contains online access to books, videos, puzzles, arts and crafts, music, and educational resources for multicultural materials for preschool and elementary school-age children in the home and classroom. It does not contain Australian multicultural materials. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
myinternet/Australian Bureau of Statistics
http://www.schools.net.au/edu/abs |
myinternet and the Australian Bureau of Statistics have combined to produce an educational resource which consists largely of the Bureau's educational materials in a more student-attractive, web-friendly fashion. There are joint activities, namely Water Watch, and the 2001 Time Capsule, as well as the activities that can be found on the Education at the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. These are excellent materials, with lesson plans arranged by these categories:
New for 2002 (Measuring Australia's Economy)
Theme (e.g. health, crime and justice, population)
Key Learning Area
Census materials
Special projects (which is the same as the materials under theme). |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
One World One People
http://members.aol.com/Jakajk/Oneworld.html |
One World One People is maintained by John Korber, though who he is is unclear. It consists of personal opinions on race and culture, as well as quite an extensive set of ESL lessons, games, ideas and links. They are quite creative and individualistic, and are American in origin. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
http://www.oz-teachernet.edu.au/ |
From the RITE Group at QUT (Queensland University of Technology), oz-teachernet is a national resource for teachers. Including book raps, travel buddies, oz-webquests, Aussie SchoolHouse, as well as access to email lists such as oz-teachernet (the national listserv for Australian teachers), oz-teachernet is an essential tool for Australian educators. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
http://www.ozline.com |
Ozline is the Australian-based website of Tom March, whose work with Bernie Dodge in the US began the pedagogy of WebQuests.
Ozline.com provides professional development in this pedagogy, as well as web-and-flow which is an online template for creating higher order research tasks along the continuum created by Tom March. The continuum moves from from topic hotlist, through treasure hunt, subject sampler, insight reflector and concept builder to WebQuest, focusing on increasingly complex higher order thinking in the use of web resources. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
PBS Teacher Source
http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/ |
Over 3000 lesson plans and activities in all subject areas have been provided by PBS, the American public broadcasting system. Of particular relevance is the civil and human rights section, with links to America responds, which is an ongoing website dealing with the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
http://www.questioning.org/index2.html |
Questioning.org is the website of Jamie McKenzie which focuses entirely on questions. The importance of using questions which involve transforming thinking is at the base of web learning without plagiarism. The site contains McKenzie's articles and extracts from his books, links to module maker, his template for research-based learning, incorporating higher order questions and the internet.
New for 2002 is module maker 2, making good lessons quickly, which focuses on the same issues, but on short, sharp lessons using higher order questions. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Racism and Anti-racist Resources and Organisations for Students and Teachers
http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/racism2001/orglinks.asp |
This website consists of fact sheets, quizzes, learning activities, a bibliography and a list of organisations whose main concern is anti-racism. It is a really useful international resource about tolerance and anti-racism. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
http://www.racismnoway.com.au/ |
A superb website created by the Multicultural Programs Unit of The NSW Department of Education and Training. This site has lesson plans, student activities, fact sheets and information about what schools are doing to counter racism.
The site has a library of items that include materials on recognising racism in schools as well as information about Australia's cultural diversity.
DateAdded: 25 March 2002 | |
http://www.teachersfirst.com/matrix.htm |
TeachersFirst provides free access to thousands of lesson materials online. While primarily American in origin, there are useful materials here for Australian teachers seeking multicultural materials. Links such as world cultures are useful from K-12. All learning materials are annotated. |
DateAdded: 02 August 2002 | |
Teaching Heritage
http://www.teachingheritage.nsw.edu.au |
Teaching Heritage is a joint venture of the Interactive Design Group of the Office of the Board of Studies, the NSW Department of Education and Training, and the NSW Heritage Office. It contains resources about heritage, its development, timelines, methods and syllabus relevance in NSW. There are four extensive teaching units: Forming a nation, Expressing national goals, Building Australian identities, and Reshaping cultural values. Each one of these contains focus areas, with satchels of resources to assist with teaching or investigation of that particular focus area. Building Australian identities and Reshaping cultural values are essential resources for any study of multicultural Australia. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
The Gateway.org: The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM)
http://www.thegateway.org |
Sponsored by the US Department of Education, The Gateway provides access to thousands of annotated educational materials, ready to use in the classroom. Whilst materials are mainly American, they are of a high quality, and of particular use when studying world issues such as human rights, peace education and refugees. |
DateAdded: 02 August 2002 | |
The Learning Page at American Memory
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/ |
Included because of the high quality of the materials, The Learning Page at American Memory is of limited use for multicultural studies in Australia. There is a specific feature on Immigration: The changing face of America, which, though America-focused, is generic enough for Australian teachers.
American Memory is a gateway to rich primary sources relating to the history and culture of the United States, containing more than 7 million digital items. The Learning Page uses this boundless resource with comprehensive lesson materials to do with American civics, literature and history. It is a truly outstanding resource. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
The WebQuest Page
http://webquest.sdsu.edu/webquest.html |
The WebQuest Page is a matrix of WebQuests presented by the originator of the WebQuest, Bernie Dodge, of the Educational Technology Department at the San Diego University. It provides information about the pedagogy, as well as practitioner-created examples in all subject areas. A search under multiculturalism turns up some useful materials. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
http://museumvictoria.com.au/DiscoveryCentre/Websites-Mini/Immigration-Timeline/ |
Explore the Immigration Museum's timeline of the 1950s and 1960s |
DateAdded: 12 February 2009 | |
United Nations Cyberschool Bus
http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/index.html |
This is the United Nations education website. It contains brief information sources (for example, InfoNation) on United Nations member countries and information and briefing papers on current issues in which the UN is involved. Also included are lesson materials and interactive worksheets for students on issues such as indigenous peoples, peace education, poverty, women's rights, human rights and cleaner oceans. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
http://www.peacecorps.gov/wws/ |
This is a Peace Corps-sponsored US website which seeks to engage students in enquiry about the world, themselves and others. Whilst primarily American in focus, features for students such as countries and cultures, and, for teachers, features such as learning materials about culture beyond the US are of use to Australian students and teachers. Primary resources from Peace Corps volunteers and the people they visit are also of interest. |
DateAdded: 02 August 2002 | |
