Australian Human Rights Information Centre
http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/ahric |
The Australian Human Rights Centre is a research institute in the Faculty of Law at the University of NSW, aimed to increase public awareness about human rights procedures, standards and issues within the Asia-Pacific region, to provide accessible information on human rights and to maintain a comprehensive collection of human rights documentation. Searching AHRC for human rights issues in Australia and overseas will discover legal precedents, media reports, and scholarly material. The material is of use to students and teachers, especially Legal Studies students and teachers. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
CAPSTRANS: Center for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies
http://www.capstrans.edu.au/ |
CAPSTRANS is a joint venture of the University of Wollongong and the University of Newcastle, focusing on research, teaching and policy advice. It aims to provide global, regional and transnational understandings of change in the Asia-Pacific area. Its most visible function is to provide information on courses offered at graduate and post-graduate level in this area. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Diversity Database, University of Maryland
http://www.umd.edu/diversity/ |
The University of Maryland's Diversity Database is a comprehensive index of multicultural and diversity resources. It includes diversity-related syllabuses from colleges and universities from around the United States, definitions of words, phrases, and US multicultural policy, diversity plans, statements, and initiatives of US institutions. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Multicultural Heritage at the NSW Heritage Office
http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/06_subnav_05.htm |
Multicultural Heritage contains detailed and high quality downloadable PDFs of Italian, Greek and Chinese thematic histories and multicultural stories in NSW. The recognition, exploration and celebration of our multicultural heritage is a key priority of the NSW Heritage Office, of which this website is a part.
The website links to the Migration Heritage Centre, which is a partnership of the Premier's Department, the Community Relations Commission, Tourism NSW, the Heritage Office and the Ministry for the Arts. |
DateAdded: 24 July 2002 | |
Multicultural Resources for Children
http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/multipub.htm |
Multicultural Resources for Children is found at The Internet School Library Media Center (ISLMC). This site lists links to multicultural resources for teachers, librarians, parents and students. There are general resources and bibliographies, all American in content.
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Multicultural Review
http://www.mcreview.com/ |
This is the home page of The Multicultural Review quarterly journal, which addresses cultural diversity and multicultural issues. The site contains tables of contents of past issues, subscription information, and a new free online literary journal, Dream in Colour. The website is American, and directed at secondary and tertiary teachers and any individuals interested in cultural diversity. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Multiculturalism at Vicnet
http://www.vicnet.net.au/community/ethnic/ |
Victoria's community network's multicultural category provides access to links to many ethnic community networks. There is also an ad hoc list of links to do with multicultural and multilingual resources in Australia and overseas. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service
http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ |
NSW Health has set up this service, aimed at helping health professionals to communicate with non English speaking communities throughout New South Wales. It contains a catalogue of health information, available in many languages, for download as PDFs.
People of ethnic background, as well as English-speaking people interested in health issues, such as specific diseases, and more general topics such as sexual, men's and women's health, are free to visit the site and download the information. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
The Source
http://www.magpies.net.au |
The Source is a searchable database of evaluative annotations on Australian children's fiction, poetry and short stories. A comprehensive source, it contains more than 5000 picture books, children's and young adults novels available by subject, author, title, genre and age, as well as 12800 poems.
A search under multiculturalism found 77 books, with bibliographic details, annotation about suitability for age, and a review.
It is is available by subscription, but it is possible to have a free 2 week's trial. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
VicNet Open Road
http://www.openroad.net.au/ |
Open Road is a website provided by the State Library of Victoria which offers links in many languages in categories such as women, health and medical information, culture, social security services, family and news. It is intended to provide information for newcomers to Australia as well as to provide them with news from home.
Languages covered include Indonesian, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and Polish. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
