AMES NSW - Adult Multicultural Education Services
http://www.ames.edu.au/ |
NSW AMES provides English language tuition, literacy tuition, assessment services, workplace services and services to the language teaching profession. |
DateAdded: 31 January 2005 | |
AMES Victoria - Adult Multicultural Education Services
http://www.ames.vic.edu.au/ |
AMES - Adult Multicultural Education Services is a government-supported, Victoria-based, multi-ligual resource for people new to Australia. It is Australia's largest provider of specialist multicultural language and employment services. It contains information about learning English and other courses, finding a job, the volunteer tutor program, and practical information about settling in Australia. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies
http://cims.anu.edu.au/links.html |
The Links page of the Australian Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies includes organisations from around the world that deal with issues of multiculturalism and immigration. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Community Relations Commission of NSW
http://www.crc.nsw.gov.au/ |
The Ethnic Affairs Commission of NSW - has now been renamed the Community Relations Commission of NSW
The Community Relations Commission for a multicultural NSW (CRC) emphasises a new approach to NSW society. The Community Relations Commission and Principles of Multiculturalism Act (2000) recognises and values the different linguistic, religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds of residents of NSW, and promotes equal rights and responsibilities for all residents of NSW.
The Commission offers services to people of diverse cultural backgrounds, such as translating, multicultural marketing awards, sponsorships, statistical information about the people of NSW, and listings of community organisations. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Department of Immigration & Citizenship
http://www.immi.gov.au |
As part of its role, the Australian Department of Immigration & Citizenship researches and publishes material relating to Australian population issues. Up-to-date immigration statistics, are available here, as well as the DIM fact sheets.
Links exist to information relating to migrating or visiting Australia, with relevant forms and booklets, settling in Australia and citizenship issues. Detailed links are also provided to multicultural Australia information, and indigenous affairs. The media centre and information resources provide invaluable information in the form of frequently asked questions, media releases, statistics, with current issues such as illegal arrivals and detention receiving special attention. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
Immigration Advice and Rights Centre
http://www.iarc.asn.au/index.html |
The Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC) is a community legal centre specialising in immigration law and providing free legal advice and assistance. Funded by state and federal governments, and by its own publications and activities, the IARC offers legal advice at limited times to Sydney people seeking legal advice in immigration matters, excluding visas, by phone or in person. It was last updated in March, 2002. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
Melbourne's Dai Loong Asociation continues a 100-year old tradition of dragon parades in Melbourne
http://www.melbournedailoong.com.au |
Chinese community groups in Australia, have always provided a great spectacle when they proudly parade the Chinese Dragon amidst a fabulous procession of ornately costumed men and women carrying mythical beasts, lanterns, banners, weapons to ward away evil spirits, and accompanied by dancing lions, musicians and noisy fire crackers.Here we explore the history and current activities of the dragon dancers from the Chinese community. |
DateAdded: 26 April 2009 | |
Migration Institute of Australia
http://www.mia.org.au |
The Migration Institute of Australia is the professional association for Australian migration service providers. It provides a code of conduct, information about professional development, as well as alphabetical and geographical listings of agents for people seeking their services. |
DateAdded: 06 April 2009 | |
Migration Review Tribunal
http://www.mrt.gov.au |
The core function of the MRT is to conduct reviews of decisions made by the Minister relating to visa entry into Australia. It deals with applications from people in detention and not in detention, as well as business nomination and sponsorship entry into Australia. The link to recent Migration Review Tribunal decisions is fascinating, as a record of decisions and of the success or otherwise of the MRT in reversing these decisions. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
Multicultural Arts Victoria
http://mav.org.au/ |
Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV) provides critical development opportunities for artists from culturally diverse backgrounds, to establsih themselves in the Victorian arts scene. |
DateAdded: 12 January 2011 | |
Multicultural Mental Health Australia (MMHA)
http://www.mmha.org.au/ |
Multicultural Mental Health Australia (MMHA) provides national leadership in building greater awareness of mental health and suicide prevention amongst Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
NSW Anti-Discrimination Board
http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/adb |
Set up in 1977 to administer the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW investigates and conciliates complaints of discrimination, harrassment and vilification, informs people, employers and service providers about their rights and responsibilities, and makes recommendations to government about changes to anti-discrimination law.
Information about discrimination is provided in many community languages. Other features include media releases, speeches, statistics and human rights research links.
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA)
http://www.refugeecouncil.org.au |
RCOA is a non-profit organisation working towards the development of humane and constructive policies towards refugees. It assists refugees in Australia, in the form of settlement support, protection and legal advice. It works for community education on refugee issues, and fund raises for refugee support. Position papers, children in detenion inquiry resources, as well as the monthly newsletters are available here online. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
The Chinese Museum's story of Melbourne's Chinatown
http://www.chia.chinesemuseum.com.au/biogs/CH00015b.htm |
Chinatown's Chinese Museum, in collaboration with Latrobe University offers insight to the history and development of one of Melbourne's contemporary icons. But it wasn't always so well regarded... |
DateAdded: 26 April 2009 | |
Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC)
http://www.multicultural.vic.gov.au/ |
VMC is an independent body which exists to encourage innovation and discourage social disadvantage and discrimination for Victorians of different cultural backgrounds. It provides advice to the government, a grants program, news and meetings and community events. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
