A Multicultural Calendar
http://www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/MCC/ |
A multicultural calendar database of national holidays in every country of the world forms an interesting classroom resource. It can be searched by month, holiday, country or author. All entries had been added by students from around the world. Ways of connecting the multicultural calendar with curriculum are suggested on the site.
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Asia Source
http://www.asiasource.org |
AsiaSource is an online resource developed by the Asia Society in New York to provide current and unbiassed information and assistance regarding the cultural, economic, social, historical and political dimensions of Asia. Categorised by Asia today, food, business, events, views, links, experts, reference, search, bulletin and books, the site is comprehensive in its coverage. It presents an interesting perspective on Australia in its Asian context, and current issues such as Asylum seekers in a regional rather than national light. AskAsia.org provides K-12 resources for educators and students of Asian and Asian American studies.
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Australasian Legal Information Institute (Austlii)
http://www.austlii.edu.au |
A joint facility of University of Technology and University of NSW, Austlii is a database of cases and leglisation for the Commonwealth and states of Australia, as well as world law decisions and resources. The database is of use to Legal Studies students, specially those taking the migrant option, as well as anyone searching for legal precedent and support on any issue, including refugee and multicultural matters. Have a look at special projects and hosted home pages of relevance in the area of Australian human rights, and indigenous law resources. See Australian Human Rights Centre and Indigenous law resources. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Australian Law on the Internet
http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/law.html |
Australian Law on the Internet is the National Library of Australia's gateway to Australian and international law resources. It links to plain English law-help sites,such as InfoEssentials and Law for you, as well as the professional tools of practising Australian lawyers, such as SCALEplus and Lex Scripta. The law by subject section has pertinent information and precedents of interest to the multicultural area in citizenship and migration law. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Australian Newspapers on the Internet:
http://www.nla.gov.au/npapers/ |
Australian Newspapers on the Internet is the National Library of Australia's gateway to Australian newspapers. A comprehensive mix of large and local newspapers, the site provides a snapshot of the Australian community, with multicultural newspapers, such as Australien Kurier, Bharat Times, and The Age Chinese version, classic local newspapers such as the Ararat Advertiser, the Manijimup Bridgetown Times, as well as the national newspapers, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald etc. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Australian On line Opinion Poll
http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/ |
On Line Opinion is a not for profit e-journal aiming at providing a forum for public opinion and debate about current Australian issues. The editors, Graham Young and Hugh Brown, say that they have no wish to dominate the pages, and issues debated are organised by subject area, for example, the arts, domestic politics, indigenous affairs, nation building, and religion and spirituality. Contributions are on an eclectic mixture of subjects, from opposing perspectives. Whimsies and cartoons provide an upbeat extra.
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Cardoner Ripples of Justice
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~cardoner/ripples.html |
An initiative of the Australian Jesuits, Cardoner Ripples of Justice provides material and an index on social issues from a Christian perspective. Last updated in April, 2000, it still contains useful aricles and links on indigenous and Aboriginal issues, and refugees and migrants' issues. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
CIA World Factbook
http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html |
CIA World Factbook 2007, prepared by the US Central Intelligence agency, provides brief information on hundreds of countries, as well as world information. Organised by introduction, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military and transational issues, brief information on many countries in an alphabetical list is available. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Country Reports.org
http://www.countryreports.org |
Country Reports.org is a US website providing up to date, brief information on an alphabetical list of countries, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Information is arranged the same for each entry under economy, defense, geography, government people, as well as breaking news in many countries. Weather forecasts, flags, national anthems and online discussions are also available. A link to curriculum materials is at The Best on the Web for Teachers, a large collection of American online and other learning materials. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Documenting a Democracy: Australia's Story
http://www.foundingdocs.gov.au |
This website has an ambitious aim – to trace the development of Australian democracy through the key documents directing the constitutional paths taken so far. It is an aim worthy of the Centenary of Australian nationhood. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
Education at The Age
http://www.education.theage.com.au |
Education at The Age provides education resources from The Age newspaper. A subscription service is available, similar to the Herald in the Classroom at the Sydney Morning Herald, but freely available are features such as: Issues in the news, Books Alive!, The Age Photography, the student-published Sage newspaper and The Age WebWord search competition. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Face the Facts
http://www.humanrights.gov.au/racial_discrimination/face_facts/ |
Face the Facts was produced by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 2001 to address "race issues" to do with immigration, refugees and indigenous people. It is a straightforward, easy to understand statement of facts on all of these issues. It aims to place controversial issues such as reconciliation, the stolen generations, native title, Australia's policy on "boat people" and our immigration program into a context of fact. It was first produced in 1997 and was updated at this address in 22005, its object being to ask all Australians to be informed accurately when they enter these controversial areas of debate. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
http://www.findarticles.com |
FindArticle is a free archive of published articles from 300 magazines worldwide from 1998 onwards, constantly updated. It is a service provided by LookSmart search facility and the Gale Group, providers of research and reference materials. The magazines are mostly American, and the categories it covers are general (e.g.arts and entertainment, computers, health & fitness,etc). Of most use to schools are the news and society, and reference and education categories. It works well with searching for articles on current international issues, and the articles it finds are all full text. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
http://www.sbs.com.au/gold |
Gold!, presented by SBS, explores the impact of the gold rush on Australia. Of particular interest is the immigration and population section, which investigates the impact of the gold rush on immigration, in particular the Chinese story, and early race problems arising from stereotyping. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
Graphic Organisers
http://www.graphic.org |
Graphic Organisers presents an index of different kinds of thinking tools, including concept maps, Venn diagrams, flow charts, matrixes and webbing, and information and examples about when to use which particular type of tool. The site recommends the use of Inspiration software to implement graphic organisers. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Herald in the Classroom
http://www.classroom.smh.com.au |
For a small fee, or as a bonus for receiving multiple print copies of the Sydney Morning Herald, schools can subscribe to Herald in the classroom which provides searchable access to Herald articles on issues likely to be of interest to school students. These include culture and media, the economy, indigenous Australia, and politics and government in Australia and overseas. This covers the 3 months' gap that occurs between the arrival of the Herald on CD-ROM and current events. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Immigration - United States
http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/immigrants.htm |
Immigration - United States provides an interesting page of links to a variety of resources that deal with issues of immigration in the history of the United States. Containing links to student and teacher-focused information, it is a valuable starting point to the investigation of immigration in the United States.
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Interviews with Australian Scientists
http://www.science.org.au/scientists |
The Australian Academy of Science has been recording interviews with outstanding Australian scientists of today since 1993. The interviews are available to buy or to borrow from the National Film and Video Lending Service. The web site contains transcripts of the interviews well as teachers' notes to go with each scientist. There are some 50 interviews, the list including a good representation of women scientists. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Librarians' Index to the Internet
http://www.lii.org/search |
Headlined as "information you can trust" from the Library of California, Librarian's index to the internet is a search engine with metadata attached, in many categories. A search under education breaks down into many sub-categories, leading to an enormous array of websites, each of which is annotated. This is an invaluable resource for any research topic, and its American origin does not detract from the quality of information for an Australian researcher. A search under "Australia" turned up a mixture of academic and wide ranging websites. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Macquarie Dictionary
http://www.macquariedictionary.com.au |
Search the Macquarie Concise Dictionary online, or consult the Book of Slang, use the Macquarie spellchecker or read about the Macquarie English is an Asian language project. Access Macquarienet, an online reference library, from here. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) - Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT)
http://www.mrt-rrt.gov.au |
The MRT-RRT is an independent body established by the Commonwealth Government in 1993 to review individual decisions concerning refugees made by the Department of Immigration & Citizenship. It contains a database of all published decisions of the Refugee Review Tribunal (over 24,000 decisions). There are monthly statistics on the Tribunal's performance, as well as FAQs, and simple information on how the Tribunal can assist individuals to apply for review of immigration decisions. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
National Library of Australia, Australian History Reference Library
http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/histsite.html#HistoricalDocs |
Australian History on the Internet is the National Library of Australia's gateway to Australian history on the internet.It contains a comprehensive set of links to reference tools for studying history, historical documents online, information on Australian indigenous history sources, online journals, Australian history resources at Australian universities, miscellaneous Australian history sites, and current issues in Australian history, such as Federation. It is an academic resource of considerable value. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
http://www.news.com.au |
This is the News Limited web site, linking to their school of newspapers, The Australian, The Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph etc. Today's news is available at this web site. Go to the archive, Newstext, and search 150 newspapers, Australian and overseas, not including the Sydney Morning Herald for articles about Australian and world news dating back to 1984. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Picture Australia
http://www.pictureaustralia.org/ |
PictureAustralia is a database of images of Australian people, places and events, brought together from the collections of such contributing agencies as Australian Heritage Commission, Nolan Gallery, and The Australian War Memorial. A search under multiculturalism results in images past and present. Another way to locate images is to take the picture trails, which organise the images by subject, such as indigenous Australia, history, society and politics and government. Students are allowed to copy and paste or download the images, so long as they are for educational purposes and a proper acknowledgement is made.
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Refugee Project at Painting the Planet
http://www.araratcc.vic.edu.au/culture/field.htm |
Though a little out of date and amateur-looking, The Refugee Project at Painting the Planet provides interesting student artwork and stories about refugees. It also provides examples of Australian and overseas students working together to understand the plight of refugees. There was a competition in 2001 and earlier which does not seem to have occurred this year. Nevertheless, the site is useful, especially in the Galleries section, where student art works about refugees from around the world are available |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
http://www.resourcebank.curriculum.edu.au |
Try a guest search of Resourcebank, Curriculum Corporation's collection of materials for students from Year 5 to Year 12. It is an an invaluable education resource site for teachers and parents as well. Of particular relevance to senior students, it consists of QMATs (questions with model answers), wordbank (definitions), infobank (detailed information), and linkbank (annotated links).
A sample search on multiculturalism and racism locates syllabus specific information in this area in all of the above categories.
Pricing information is available in the guest area of the site. |
DateAdded: 02 August 2002 | |
Sovereign Hill Education
http://sheducationcom.ascetinteractive.biz/index.php?id=home |
Drawings, research notes, frequently asked questions, and notes for secondary and primary students feature in the education services section of the Ballarat Sovereign Hill museum website. Topics central to the growth of multiculturalism in Australia, such as the discovery of gold, life on the goldfields, the Eureka Stockade, and the Chinese in Ballarat are included in this very useful resource, which makes a visit to the website worthwhile whether or not you are visiting the museum in person. |
DateAdded: 08 August 2002 | |
http://www.studentnet.edu.au |
Studentnet is the website of the Association of Independent Schools NSW. Of use to students and teachers, it is accessable by passwords, but there is no charge for the service, and no specifications about belonging to an AIS school. Information is arranged in forums K-6 and 7-12 in each Key Learning Area. The forums consist of internet links to do with that particular area broken down into syllabus specific content areas. Items of a professional development interest to teachers is also available. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
The Immigration Museum
http://immigration.museum.vic.gov.au |
Although the main purpose of this website is to encourage physical visits to the Immigration Museum in Victoria, tthere are useful items on the website about the history of immigration in Victoria. A timeline provides a history of immigration in brief, and there are links to Australian and international immigration study centres and museums. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
The Oz Film Database
http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/film/dbase/ |
The Oz Film Database was initiated by Tom O'Regan of Murdoch University for students of Australian cinema. Students have contributed evaluations of Australian films from 1997 onwards. There is an interesting array of Australian films as well as mixed ways of responding to them. Students have to provide credits, a review, a bibliography and process comments. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/lang/eng.htm |
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in full text, with no commentary, is available here from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
US Immigration
http://history.wisc.edu/archdeacon/404tja/ |
Essentially this website presents the University of Wisconsin's History department's course, Ethnicity in 20th.century America. Of use to Australian teachers and students are these features:
US Immigration, a set of tables Immigration, 1971-1994: by Countries of Origin and Refugees and asylum-seekers granted permanent residence, 1946-1994: by Countries of Origin
Uses for these statistics include finding comparative tables for Australia and devising ways of comparing and contrasting the percentages, and the overall numbers and countries of origin. Go to Statistics at The Department of Immigration and Citizenship for comparative Australian statistics. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
