A Just Australia: A campaign of Australians for just refugee programs
http://www.ajustaustralia.com/ |
Founded in July, 2002, A Just Australia is a campaign for humane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. The website consists of links to What's the latest?, What are the issues?, What can I do? and Who are we? which provide comprehensive information on the campaigning activities of a group of people who read like Who's Who in Australia. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Amnesty International Australia
http://www.amnesty.org.au |
Amnesty International Australia's home page provides information about current campaigns and human rights' news, as well as how to help Amnesty International Australia's campaigns. Amnesty International - a global organisation based in London, allows you to see the way the international community views Australia. A search of "Australia" at Amnesty International Library by country and region provides telling reports on what the rest of the world thinks of Australia's present record on human rights, including issues such as asylum seekers, children's human rights, and Aboriginal deaths in custody. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Artists Against Racism
http://www.artistsagainstracism.org/ |
Artists Against Racism is an organisation that attempts to establish anti-racist celebrities as role models for school students through TV and radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs), logos on CD Jackets, benefit CDs and concerts, subway and outdoor billboards and school posters. The site contains a good section for schools with resources for teachers and students. It is a good model of media activism in support of cultural diversity. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
http://www.acsjc.org.au |
The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) is the national justice and peace agency of the Catholic Church in Australia.
It contains media releases, and the Catholic approach to current issues such as reconciliation, refugees, and racism, as well as Catholic social teaching. This web site would be of particular use to senior Studies of Religion. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Australian Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission: Human Rights
http://www.hreoc.gov.au/human_rights/index.html |
The human rights area at the Australian Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission contains current information on human rights projects, such as the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention. The site has comprehensive coverage of Australian human rights issues and their status, including children, asylum seekers, gay men and lesbians, rural Australians and older Australians. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Australian Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission
http://www.hreoc.gov.au |
The HREOC is the home of human rights in Australia. Links exist from here to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice, complaints information, disability rights, human rights and racial discrimination. Information on current human rights' problems, such as children in immigration detention, and links to information for teachers and students are invaluable Australian human rights' tools. Teaching resources include case studies for use in the classroom to do with human rights, as well as links to Youth Challenge Online. Student resources include answers to common questions about human rights, as well as links . |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Australian Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission: Racial Discrimination
http://www.hreoc.gov.au/racial_discrimination/index.html |
This is the racial discrimination section of the Australian Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission website. It contains core materials about matters of racial discrimination in Australia, including information on latest projects, such as the activities on the United Nations in this area, and Australian responses to racial issues. It also contains guides to federal anti-race discrimination legislation. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Australian Human Rights and Civil Rights
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~victorp/vphuman.htm |
A website set up by Victor Perton MP, Australian Human Rights and Civil Rights has good coverage from a legal perspective, particularly, of Australia's position on human rights compared with other countries. It is a little quirky, some of the links do not work, and it has not been recently updated (July, 2001). Nevertheless, it contains useful information. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
Australians against Racism
http://www.australiansagainstracism.org |
Australians Against Racism was established by designer Mariana Hardwick and novelist Eva Sallis in October, 2001. Not associated with any particular party or group, it aims to halt what it considers to be the abuse of people in detention centres. Activities include TV advertisements, The Australia is Refugees! schools competition, and links to other anti-racist resources in Australia. It is not clear how often this website is updated.
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Children out of Detention: (ChilOut)
http://www.chilout.org |
Children Out of Detention (ChilOut) is an Australia-wide group of parents and citizens opposed to the mandatory detention of refugee children in Australia. It describes events, such as Villawood visits, writing letters to detainees, and spare rooms for refugees. Also available is a current monthly listing of fundraising events, information nights, public meetings and lectures to do with this issue, photos from detention camps, and a link to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Of particular note are the facts vs myths which provide workable alternatives to detention.
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Diafrix MySpace page
http://www.myspace.com/diafrix |
Diafrix My Space page explores the music of the group, their influences and their fan relationships. |
DateAdded: 12 January 2011 | |
Edmund Rice Centre
http://www.erc.org.au |
The Edmund Rice Centre, associated with the Christian Brothers, exists to encourage research and teaching about human rights issues. Part of its work is in schools, part is community-based empowerment projects. Projects, issues and links are the main parts of the website.
Projects contains information about seminars, advocacy and networking. Issues contains downloadable reports and statements on issues such as business ethics, globalisation, human rights, indigenous issues, justice and refugees. Of particular value is the link to Debunking the myths about asylum seekers and Debunking more myths about asylum seekers.
Links to websites associated with human rights issues in Australia and world-wide are also available. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Ending of White Australia - by Don Dunstan
http://www.multiculturalaustralia.edu.au/library/media/Audio/id/386 |
Hear Don Dunstan former premier of South Australia describe the ending of the White Australia plank of the ALP Platform. |
DateAdded: 12 February 2009 | |
Examine the first Anti-Chinese legislation passed by the new colony of Victoria in 1855
First Vic anti-Chinese legislation http://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/resources/transcripts/vic4_doc_18 |
First Anti-Chinese legislation passed by the new colony of Victoria in 1855 |
DateAdded: 30 January 2009 | |
Human Rights Watch
http://www.hrw.org |
Human Rights Watch is a world-wide independent, non-government organisation entirely funded by contributions. Human Rights Watch researchers conduct fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses in all regions of the world, then publishes those findings in books and reports every year, generating extensive coverage in local and international media.
The website contains breaking news, current events, information by country and by issue. A search of the website by "Australia" shows an interesting perspective on what the rest of the world thinks about our human rights record. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Muslims in Australia
http://uncommonlives.naa.gov.au/contents.asp?sID=29 |
Muslims in Australia |
DateAdded: 09 March 2009 | |
Passages for the dictation test
http://vrroom.naa.gov.au/main_display.aspx?ObjectType=ResearchRecordDisplay&iRecordId=235 |
Passages for the dictation test |
DateAdded: 05 February 2009 | |
Rural Australians for Refugees
http://www.ruralaustraliansforrefugees.org/ |
Rural Australians for Refugee began in Bowral in October 2001, and has spread across Australian country towns. The main planks of its campaign are acceptance of all asylum seekers into Australia, closure of detention camps in their present form, abolition of temporary protection visas, and the doubling of Australia's refugee intake to 24,000 per year. The website consists of links to who we are, know the facts, what can you do?, news and events and contacts.
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
The Turkish population - background
http://uncommonlives.naa.gov.au/contents.asp?cID=98 |
Understand the background to Turkish immigration |
DateAdded: 30 January 2009 | |
UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency
http://www.unhcr.ch/ |
UNHCR contains essential information on the legal and humanitarian rights of refugees and asylum seekers world-wide. The basic facts section provides at a glance information about the origin and stage of refugees' rights at present, and historically. Searching under the term "Australia" provides an interesting perspective from the outside world on Australia's policies on asylum seekers. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
UNICEF: United Nations Special Session on Children
http://www.unicef.org/ |
This is the website of UNICEF, the United Nations organisation for the world's children. There is currently special coverage on the May, 2002 United Nation's Special Session on Children, while the permanent website contains UNICEF in action, highlights of the site, publications and voices of youth. Special country reports on, for example, Mauritius and Afghanistan are available, as is breaking news about issues of concern for children around the world. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
United Nations
http://www.un.org/english |
This is the official web site of the United Nations. Choose from peace and security, economic and social development, human rights,
humanitarian affairs and international law, as well as from an array of current information and documentation. A link to the CyberSchool bus provides information and lesson materials for students K-12 to do with peace education, human rights, indigenous peoples, as well as detail on the work of the United Nations worldwide. |
DateAdded: 01 August 2002 | |
United Nations Association of Australia
http://www.unaa.org.au |
UNAA offers the opportunity to be involved in issues that confront the UN and Australia. Online access to Unity News, the association's magazine is available here, back to 1998. What's new takes you to papers and news releases, the most recent one being Desert Camps, dated April 2002. Diary dates lets members and visitors know what's happening this current month in terms of meetings, public hearings, national press club luncheons etc. regarding the latest issue the UNAA is involving itself with. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
We are all Boat People
http://www.boat-people.org |
We are all boat people is a Sydney-based group, whose aim is to persuade the Australian government to change its asylum seekers' policies. The website asks for support, and provides information about actions so far taken, including lasering an image of the association's logo onto the sails of the Opera House and stencilling the streets of Sydney with the same logo. Information about Australia's policies on asylum seekers (from a single perspective) is also available. |
DateAdded: 09 August 2002 | |
Yahoo! list of anti-racist organisations
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=anti-racism&w=dir&fr=op&o=a&h=&g=0&n=20 |
A search of Yahoo! creates this list of organisations (mainly in the USA) that have established websites to help fight racism and bigotry. |
DateAdded: 23 March 2002 | |
