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MMA Links: |
Immigration Museum's Timeline 1950s and 1960s - Explore the Immigration Museum's timeline of the 1950s and 1960s - More ... |
History: |
John Lack's reflections of the 1950s - Read John Lack's reflections on coming of age in Melbourne of the 1950s - More ... |
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Richard Broome outlines the role of European Australians - Historian Richard Broome outlines the role of European Australians in the struggle for Aboriginal rights - More ... |
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Richard Broome outlines the role of European Australians - Historian Richard Broome outlines the role of European Australians in the struggle for Aboriginal rights - More ... |
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Richard Broome tells the story of Greek activist - Historian Richard Broome tells the story of Greek activist for Aboriginal rights Alick Jackomos - More ... |
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John Lack about the effect the War had on his father's attitudes to Asians - Historian John Lack identifies the effect the War had on his father's attitudes to Asians and refugees - More ... |
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John Lack on the complex and changing attitudes of Australians to new immigrants - Historian John Lack describes the complex and changing attitudes of Australians to new immigrants - More ... |
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Francesca Folk-Scolaro on her early days in Australia at Bonegilla - Brunswick historian Francesca Folk-Scolaro describes her early days in Australia at Bonegilla just after World War 2. - More ... |
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Jim Jupp about the role of immigrants - Political scientist Jim Jupp discusses the role of immigrants in the trade unions and the ALP - More ... |
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Moss Cass on the labour movement concerns over migrant threats to jobs - Former politician Moss Cass examines the labour movement concerns over migrant threats to jobs. - More ... |
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Jim Jupp on the European culture in Melbourne - Political scientist Jim Jupp reflects on the European culture in Melbourne - More ... |
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Jim Jupp on the politics of North Carlton - Political scientist Jim Jupp describes the politics of North Carlton, an area of Jewish Italian and Australian communities - More ... |
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Tony Birch on friendships between women - Cultural researcher Tony Birch describes the realms of home, neighbourhood and work as locations for the friendships between women. - More ... |
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Moss Cass on the Labor movement and immigration - Former politician Moss Cass reviews Labor's changing position on immigration control and reform. - More ... |
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Erik Lloga on his background living in Coburg - Albanian community leader Erik Lloga describes his background. - More ... |
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Erik Lloga on how he came to migrate to Australia - Albanian community leader Erik Lloga describes how he came to migrate to Australia. - More ... |
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Erik Lloga remembers Melbourne in the 1960s - Albanian community leader Erik Lloga remembers Melbourne in the 1960s as a ghost town on weekends. - More ... |
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Erik Lloga on his mixed Muslim heritage - Albanian community leader Erik Lloga describes his mixed Muslim heritage of Bektashi and Sunni. - More ... |
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Erik Lloga joining workforce in Australia - Albanian community leader Erik Lloga describes his first jobs in Australia. - More ... |
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Jeff Sparrow on European migration and political radicalism in Australia - Historian Jeff Sparrow discusses the role of European immigrants in Left politics in Melbourne. - More ... |
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Tony Birch talks about growing up in Fitzroy - Cultural researcher Tony Birch talks about the networks of association between ethnic groups in his childhood neighbourhood of Fitzroy. - More ... |
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Erik Lloga remembers attitudes to Migrants - Albanian community leader Erik Lloga remembers being referred to factory work because Australia wanted brawn not brain. - More ... |
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Nikos Papastergiadis growing up in Melbourne - Cultural researcher Nikos Papastergiadis talks about the close Greek community of his childhood in South Melbourne. - More ... |
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Transformation for immigrants from a rural to an urban factory society - Cultural researcher Nikos Papastergiadis talks about the transformation for immigrants from a rural to an urban factory society. - More ... |
White Australia |
 Audio Interviews: |
Ending of White Australia by Don Dunstan - Hear Don Dunstan former premier of South Australia describe the ending of the White Australia plank of the ALP Platform. - More ... |
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Andrew Markus looks at the struggles in Victoria over ending of White Australia - Historian Andrew Markus looks at the struggles in Victoria over ending of White Australia - More ... |
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Gwenda Tavan about Arthur Calwell and White Australia - Historian Gwenda Tavan discusses Arthur Calwell and White Australia - More ... |
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John Lack on contradictions of Arthur Calwell's involvement in immigration - Historian John Lack unpacks the contradictions of Arthur Calwell's involvement in immigration - More ... |
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Role of Immigration Reform Group in ending White Australia - Gwenda Tavan historian identifies the role played by the Immigration Reform Group in ending White Australia - More ... |
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Jim Jupp about the complexity of the anti-White Australia group - Political scientist Jim Jupp draws out the complexity of the anti-White Australia group - More ... |
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Moss Cass on the struggles in the 1960s to end White Australia in the labor movement and the ALP - Former politician Moss Cass describes the struggles in the 1960s to end White Australia. - More ... |
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Moss Cass on how he joined the ALP and stood against then Prime Minister about White Australia - Former politician Moss Cass describes how he joined the ALP and stood against then Prime Minister R.G.Menzies in Kooyong in 1961, on the issue of White Australia. - More ... |
Jewish Stories |
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Lionel Sharpe description on Jewish community - Lionel Sharpe describes the Jewish community in Melbourne as the truth of the Holocaust became more evident in the post-war period - More ... |
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Lionel Sharpe on attitudes towards the establishment of a Jewish State - Lionel Sharpe draws out the complex debates around the establishment of a Jewish state in the period before Israel came into being - More ... |
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Lionel Sharpe on Jewish schooling - Lionel Sharpe discusses the experience of Jewish schooling - More ... |
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Helen Light talks about growing up Jewish in Melbourne - Helen Light talks about growing up Jewish in Melbourne in a family of Holocaust survivors - More ... |
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Bernard Korbman on the complexity of Jewish idenities - Holocaust museum director Bernard Korbman discusses the complexity of Jewish identities. - More ... |
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Bernard Korbman on his early lessons about democracy and equality in schooling - Holocaust museum director Bernard Korbman remembers early lessons about democracy and equality in schooling. - More ... |
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Bernard Korbman describes his migration to Australia - Holocaust museum director Bernard Korbman describes his migration to Australia as a child of Holocaust survivors. - More ... |
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Robert Manne on growing up in Australia in the 1950s - Political scientist Robert Manne describes growing up in Australia in the 1950s. - More ... |
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Robert Manne and Cultural Identity - Political scientist Robert Manne reflects on his parents loss of the culture of the Continent, and the European household and the Protestant Australian community in which he grew up. - More ... |
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Arnold Zable on Street life in Carlton in the 1950s and 1960s - Writer Arnold Zable remembers the vitality and cultural diversity of the street life of Carlton in the 1950s and 1960s. - More ... |
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Arnold Zable on the Jewish Bund Community - Writer Arnold Zable describes the active community life around "Skif", the Bund (Jewish Socialist) youth movement. - More ... |
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Arnold Zable on Kadimah Jewish cultural centre - Writer Arnold Zable tells of the development of the Kadimah Jewish cultural centre and its role as the home as "Yiddishkeit". - More ... |
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Arnold Zable on Jews and Greek in inner Melbourne - Writer Arnold Zable describes the affinity between Jews and Greeks in inner Melbourne. - More ... |
Turkish Stories |
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Hass Dellal on the Impact of Turkish Australian migration agreement of 1968 - Hass Dellal describes the ground-breaking Turkish Australian migration agreement of 1968. - More ... |
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Hass Dellal on his first arrivals under the Turkish Australian migration agreement of 1968 - Hass Dellal describes the first arrivals under the Turkish Australian migration agreement of 1968. - More ... |
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Hass Dellal on his childhood in the 1960s - Hass Dellal describes being the Australian in Turkey and the Turk in Australia as part of his childhood. - More ... |
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Hakan Aykol talks about his childhood - Hakan Aykol talks about his arrival as a child in Australia from Turkey - More ... |
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Serap Ozdemir on migration to Australia as a child - Serap Ozdemir remembers the trauma and excitement of migration to Australia as a child among the first of the Turkish immigrants of 1969. - More ... |
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Serap Ozdemir about her father learning English - Serap Ozdemir describes her father's first months in Australia learning English so he can pursue his profession as a draftsman, rather than be forced into factory work. - More ... |
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Serap Ozdemir about her family's re-immigration to Australia - Serap Ozdemir tells the story of the return to Turkey, and the re-immigration to Australia that her family like many Turkish families, undertook. - More ... |
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Serap Ozdemir about her family establishing itself in Australia, and life in Melbourne - Serap Ozdemir describes how her family established themselves in Australia. - More ... |
Italian Stories |
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Laura Mecca on Post-World War 2 Italian Migration to Australia - Historian Laura Mecca gives an overview of Italian post-war immigration to Australia. - More ... |
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The reaction of Australians to Italian migrants - Historian Laura Mecca describes the sometimes prickly relations between Italians and Australians in the early years of the big post war immigration program. - More ... |
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Details of Italian arrivals in Australia - Details of Italian arrivals in Australia - More ... |
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Gwenda Tavan about her childhood as the daughter of Italian immigrants - Gwenda Tavan describes her childhood as the daughter of Italian immigrants, who returned to italy, and came back again to Australia - More ... |
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Emilio Russo's journey of migration to Australia - Emilio Russo describes his journey of migration to Australia - More ... |
Image Collections: |
Emilio Russo's life in Australia - Follow Emilio Russo from Italy to Coburg over fifty years - More ... |
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Emilio Russo's proxy marriage and the arrival of his wife - Emilio Russo describes his proxy marriage and the arrival of his wife at Station Pier - More ... |
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Emilio Russo's early years in Australia - Emilio Russo describes his early years in Australia - More ... |
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Emilio Russo's return to Italy in 1964 - Emilio Russo describes the return to Italy in 1964, and the decision to come back to Australia for good - More ... |
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Concetta Benn on Italian immigrants of the 1950s - Concetta Benn describes the Italian immigrants of the 1950s. - More ... |
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Concetta Benn on her father's interest in Australian politics - Concetta Benn reflects on her father's political engagement with the Australian community. - More ... |
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Concetta Benn on Co.As.It. - Italian Association of Assistance - Concetta Benn reflects on her time with CoAsIt and her role in its strategic development. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on post war Italian migration - Museum curator Maria Tence describes post war Italian immigration. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on Italian community organisations - Museum curator Maria Tence describes the development of Italian community organisations. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on her parents' migration to Australia and the first years of settlement - Museum curator Maria Tence describes her parents' migration to Australia. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on Italian boys and Australian girls - Museum curator Maria Tence discusses the relation between Italian boys and Australian girls. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on racism her father experienced in 1960s - Museum curator Maria Tence recalls the racism her father experienced at work. - More ... |
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Maria Tence on social life amongst the Italian community - Early settlement issues for migrant families were fairly similar across the board, recalls Maria Tence, who describes the emergence of a slightly more liberated teen-culture among young Italians in Melbourne. - More ... |
MMA Links: |
Alex Castro's discussion - Read Alex Castro's discussion of Melbourne Italian filmmaker of the 1950s and 1960s Giorgio Mangiamele - More ... |
Brunswick Stories |
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Jeff Sparrow on Noel Counihan - Jeff Sparrow tells the story of 1930s Brunswick folk-hero, free speech champion artist Noel Counihan. - More ... |
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Emilio Russo's early years in Brunswick - Emilio Russo describes his early years in Brunswick - More ... |
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Joe Caputo about the immigrants in Brunswick - Local politician Joe Caputo talks about the immigrants in Brunswick and their participation in the community - More ... |
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Carlo Carli on the workforce in the Brunswick community - Brunswick MP Carlo Carli describes the migrant workforce of the post-war era. - More ... |
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George Lekakis description of growing up in Brunswick - Victorian Multicultural Commission chair George Lekakis describes growing up in Brunswick, returning to Greece, and then coming back to Melbourne as a teenager. - More ... |
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Carlo Carli on Brunswick in the 1960s - Carlo Carli, now Brunswick state MP, remembers the place when he was young in the 1960s. - More ... |
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Carlo Carli about his parents and growing up in Brunswick - Carlo Carli, now Brunswick state MP, talks about his parents and growing up in Brunswick/Coburg. - More ... |
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Francesca Folk-Scolaro on her family background - Brunswick local historian Francesco Folk-Scolaro remembers going to a local Catholic school in Brunswick in the 1950s. - More ... |
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Francesca Folk-Scolaro about her school life - Francesca Folk-Scolaro remembers school life as more immigrants came from Europe. - More ... |
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Francesca Folk-Scolaro talks about living in Brunswick - Francesca Folk-Scolaro remembers her mother had to make European food without the key ingredients, until a delicatessen opened. - More ... |